NASA Partnership in The Development & Assessment of High Performance Thermal Protection System Materials RFI
NASA Issues Potential Industry/NASA Partnership in The Development and Assessment of High Performance Thermal Protection System Materials RFI
Release Date: March 2, 2015
Response Date: April 16, 2015 (5:00pm Eastern)
NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate, has released a Request For Information, entitled “Potential Industry/NASA Partnership in The Development and Assessment of High Performance Thermal Protection System Materials” that can be accessed in NSPIRES via the following URL:
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is continually looking for opportunities to help advance the development of commercial space products and services. With the recent increase of U.S. private-sector companies interested in space exploration, and the associated potential for terrestrial spin-off applications, NASA is seeking to better understand U.S. industry’s interests in a myriad of exploration activities. One such activity of particular interest is the development of high performance materials for spacecraft Thermal Protection Systems (TPS).
NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate is seeking input through this Request for Information (RFI) on industry-developed TPS material or system technologies that could support future NASA space missions while also having the potential to support commercial space and possibly terrestrial applications.
The Request for Information and instructions how to submit a response can be found at:{18BCC6A9-C915-F6EF-B96F-E8990C26EC21}&path=open
The response Date is April 16, 2015 2015 (5:00pm Eastern). Instructions for submitting a response are included in the RFI.