Status Report

NASA Organization Changes: Office of Exploration Systems (code T)

By SpaceRef Editor
January 28, 2004
Filed under ,

NASA Procedural Requirements

NPR 1000.3

Eff. Date: March 01, 2001

Exp. Date: March 01, 2007

The NASA Organization w/Changes 1-51 (01/15/04)


4.20.1 OFFICE MISSION. This Headquarters Program Office is responsible for the Exploration Systems Enterprise, providing the executive leadership and programmatic direction for pioneering the identification, development, validation, and transfer of innovative, high-payoff exploration and related technologies and implement them in exploration projects. As such, the Enterprise Associate Administrator is responsible for the integration and prioritization of exploration Research and Developments investments, requiring a strong interface with the customers and users of the technology and development programs. The Exploration Systems Enterprise shall provide the focus and direction to future exploration technologies by applying a strategy to task technology analytical processes involving an integrated team of users and developers. User-identified future operational needs shall define comprehensive requirements which will determine technologies and demonstrations will be pursued and funded. The Exploration Systems Enterprise shall serve as the critical link among the requirements community, the technology community, and any eventual developmental and acquisition programs. The Exploration Systems Enterprise shall collaborate with the following customers: Office of Space Flight, Office of Biological and Physical Research, Office of Space Science, Office of Earth Science, Office of Education, Space Architect, and Chief Scientist.

4.20.2 RESPONSIBILITIES. The Associate Administrator for Exploration Systems is responsible for the following functions: Leading the development of an Enterprise strategic implementation plan (including strategy, goals, and metrics) to guide the conduct of the Agency’s exploration research and development. Formulating, planning, and advocating NASA’s exploration research and developmental programs consistent with the Agency’s Strategic Plan that includes negotiating Commitment Agreements with the Administrator, defining required policies and guidance, and approving program plans, and managing Level 1 requirements of development programs. Leading the Enterprise budget development and approval process, managing corporate resource implementation responsibilities, and ensuring that program technical and financial performance goals are achieved. Coordinating exploration research and development planning, policies, and programs with other Government agencies, industry, and academia, and conducting corporate communications and advocacy activities with technology partners, the educational community, the public, customers, and stakeholders. Fulfilling the Agency’s statutory obligations with respect to SBIR, STTR, and related technology transfer and partnership activities.

4.20.3 LINE OF SUCCESSION. In the following order: Deputy Associate Administrator; Assistant Associate Administrator (Enterprise Operations), Director for Business/Resources, Director for Requirements, Director for Development.

Change 51…January 15, 2004

SpaceRef staff editor.