Status Report

NASA: Opportunity to Host Citizen Science workshop

By SpaceRef Editor
September 10, 2019
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Following last year’s “Building the NASA Citizen Science Community” workshop, where scientists, students, outside experts, and thought leaders explored how NASA can help build a Nation of citizen scientists, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) has received inquiries about proposals to host a summer 2020 workshop. SMD will consider proposals for a summer 2020 citizen science workshop via the ROSES-19 TWSC program element if they are received by October 25 2019. 


Note, this is earlier than the posted TWSC deadline listed on NSPIRES. Proposals must identify Marc Kuchner ( as the point of contact. One grant of approximately $90K – 125K to one U.S. led team is expected in early 2020. 


For more information on SMD citizen science projects, see

SpaceRef staff editor.