Status Report

NASA OIG: Review of Organizational Structure and Management of Information Technology and Information Technology Security Services at NASA

By SpaceRef Editor
April 8, 2005
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NASA OIG: Review of Organizational Structure and Management of Information Technology and Information Technology Security Services at NASA

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“The purpose of this memorandum is to bring to your attention potential Agency-wide problems with the organizational structure and authorities of information technology (IT) and information technology security (ITS) staff, which could impact the effectiveness of NASA’s IT architecture, investments, management infrastructure, and services.”

“We found that the NASA Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has not fully determined the most efficient and effective Agency-wide organizational structure and authorities for managing and executing IT operations, including ITS. The CIO has recommended an organizational approach and responsibilities for the Center CIO positions but left achieving that intent to the discretion of each center. According to the NASA Deputy CIO for ITS, only recently was an effort made to standardize responsibilities and authorities for each of the Center IT organizations.”

SpaceRef staff editor.