Status Report

NASA: New EONS 2021 Funding Opportunity -Appendix M: MUREP High Volume

By SpaceRef Editor
August 24, 2021
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This NASA Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites proposals in response to NASA Fellowship Activity 2021


·        ​APPENDIX L: Program Element Two: MSI and Non-MSI Fellowship 2021 – proposals due June 30, 2021

·        APPENDIX M: Program Element Three: MSI and Non-MSI Fellowship 2021 Part 2  – proposals due July 19, 2021


NASA intends to award multiple research training grants in FY 2021 to assist faculty and students in research and to provide authentic STEM engagement related to NASA missions. Program Elements Two and Three are open for both Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and Non-MSIs.


To be eligible to submit a proposal, candidates must be U.S. citizens or a national who hold a bachelor’s degree earned before Aug. 31, 2021; be enrolled in a master’s or doctoral degree program no later than Sept. 1, 2021; and intend to pursue a research-based Masters or Ph.D. program in a NASA-relevant field. For each Fellow, his or her institution receives up to a $55,000 annual award ($50,000 for Master’s student and $55,000 for Doctoral student), pending available Congressional funding.

Pre-registration for the second informational webinar to be presented on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 1:00 pm ET is mandatory. Click HERE to register or visit solicitation website and click on the link under Notices. Upon completion of registration, you will receive an email containing the Meeting Number and Meeting Password.  


·        ​APPENDIX L: Program Element Two: MSI and Non-MSI Fellowship 2021 – proposals due June 30, 2021

·        APPENDIX M: Program Element Three: MSI and Non-MSI Fellowship 2021 Part 2  – proposals due July 19, 2021


To submit a question to be addressed during the webinar please contact You are expected to familiarize yourself with the solicitation document prior to asking a question.​


For full program details, visit: NASA Fellowship Activity 2021.


SpaceRef staff editor.