Status Report

NASA NES Pilot Blog: Virtual Breaking News event: Microgravity

By SpaceRef Editor
March 23, 2010
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Microgravity, sometimes called weightlessness or zero gravity, is one of the most promising areas for the commercialization of space because it allows materials to be developed that cannot be made on Earth because of gravity. Materials that can be used to speed up computers, reduce pollution and enable medical breakthroughs to cure diseases are all being investigated. Students and teachers are invited to join NASA microgravity experts Richard DeLombard and Dennis Stocker on March 24 at 10 a.m. EDT on the NES Virtual Campus. There will be a live Virtual Breaking News question and answer event on the possibilities for research in microgravity environments in space and on Earth.

Link to the Microgravity VBN event site

Link to the NES Virtual Campus

SpaceRef staff editor.