Status Report

NASA MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant

By SpaceRef Editor
April 17, 2020
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Pre-proposal Webinar for the



MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern Time

The MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant Pre-proposal webinar will give an in-depth overview of the opportunity. During the session, information regarding proposal preparation, guidelines and requirements will be provided. For complete information regarding this NASA opportunity, go to the M-STAR solicitation page in NSPIRES. 


You must be registered to participate in the webinar, and pre-registration is available now. Upon completion of registration, you will receive an email (from Gregory B. Cutler) containing the Meeting Number and Meeting Password.


There will be an opportunity to ask a few questions at the end of the webinar, depending on time, but the best way to have your questions addressed is to email them


The call will start on time, so everyone is encouraged to connect 10-15 minutes prior to the session which will allow time to address any technical difficulties you may encounter. Please go to if you need assistance connecting. 




  • When you have connected to the call, we ask that you mute (or press *6) your connection for the duration of the presentation. This will greatly reduce any background noises and/or feedback.


  • The only way to be notified of any changes regarding this session is via the MSTAR Solicitation Page. You are strongly advised to check for any updates before joining the session on Wednesday.



SpaceRef staff editor.