Status Report

NASA MSFC Internal Memo: Opportunity for Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (Buyout)

By SpaceRef Editor
November 8, 2005
Filed under ,

From: This Just In
Sent: Tue 11/8/2005 4:31 PM
To: Marshall Employees
Subject: Opportunity for Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (Buyout)

November 8, 2005


TO: All Employees

FROM: HS01/Tereasa H. Washington

SUBJECT: Opportunity for Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (Buyout)

Marshall Space Flight Center is pleased to be able to offer to its civil service employees a buyout opportunity worth up to $25,000 for eligible employees. This memorandum serves as official notice that the buyout application period opens on November 8, 2005, and closes on December 9, 2005.

This buyout, like the previous two, is one step among many which the Marshall Center is taking to rebalance its workforce to better support the NASA space exploration mission. This is again a “targeted” buyout intended to reduce excess capacity in certain competency areas; therefore, not all employees are eligible. The spreadsheet listing the approved targeted competencies and associated eligibility criteria can be found at the link below.

In order to be eligible, one must be a permanent employee with at least 3 years of NASA employment. Eligibility also will be based on an employee’s:

  • Primary competency in the Competency Management System

– Priority I: Targeted competencies associated with research and technology and technician support (

– Priority II: All remaining targeted competencies (

  • Grade
  • Organization
  • Office of Personnel Management Position Title

If the number of buyout applications exceeds the buyout limit established for a particular competency, approval will be based on the following “tiebreaker” criteria (in priority order):

  • Grade levels GS-14 and GS-15
  • Eligibility for optional retirement
  • Eligibility for early out retirement
  • Federal Service Computation Date

Buyouts may also be approved for employees who are not in one of the targeted competencies but who are willing to leave if an MSFC employee in an excess competency is found to assign to the vacated position.

Employees with questions regarding their eligibility should contact their Administrative Officer.

APPLICATIONS for buyout must be submitted to HS50/Edwina Bressette no later than close of business December 9, 2005. If you are at a duty station other than Huntsville, you should submit a facsimile transmission to 256-544-5158, and call Mrs. Bressette at 256-544-8115 prior to submitting your FAX. Once the buyout application period closes, the Office of Human Capital will review buyout applications to determine eligibility. The Director, Office of Human Capital, will advise employees via e-mail no later than December 13, 2005, of approval/disapproval of their buyout applications. Employees who are approved for the buyout are to separate from the Federal service no later than January 3, 2006.

If you are planning to retire, you should submit your RETIREMENT APPLICATION as soon as possible. To assist in your retirement planning, the NASA People website offers a retirement estimate calculator. The website address is . You will need a pin number to access your account. If you do not already have a pin number, you may contact Ginger Martin or Edwina Bressette, HS50, via e-mail, and one will be provided for you. If you encounter difficulty in calculating your retirement estimate, please contact Mrs. Bressette for assistance. For your convenience, a complete Buyout Package is available on the Inside Marshall website link at . Please examine it carefully as it includes the buyout application and other informational materials designed to assist you in making your decision.

If you are resigning, please notify the Administrative Officer for your organization so that the proper documentation may be prepared and submitted to the Employee Services and Operations Office, HS50.

Eligible employees who voluntarily leave NASA within this buyout period will receive an amount equal to their calculated severance pay entitlement up to a maximum of $25,000. If you accept a buyout, you may not be employed anywhere in the Federal service, including employment on a personal services contract, for 5 years following your separation date, unless you repay the full amount of the buyout (before taxes) to NASA.

If you are approved for buyout, your signed Application for Separation Incentive (Buyout) serves as your agreement to voluntarily retire or resign from NASA. If you are not approved, the Application for Separation Incentive (Buyout) is void and you are not obligated to retire or resign.

We feel fortunate to be able to offer this additional buyout opportunity to our employees. It is a valuable incentive for employees and an important step in our endeavor to create the workforce of the future, to continue the proud tradition of commitment and accomplishment we at Marshall Space Flight Center all share.

Tereasa H. Washington
Office of Human Capital

SpaceRef staff editor.