Status Report

NASA MSFC Ares 1 Status Notes 29 March 2007

By SpaceRef Editor
April 3, 2007
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NASA MSFC Ares 1 Status Notes 29 March 2007


1. ARES FIRST STAGE ELEMENT RANGE SAFETY TAILORING TECHNICAL INTERCHANGE MEETING (TIM): Representatives from the First Stage Element traveled to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) the week of 3/19/07, to conduct the first formal Range Safety Requirements Tailoring TIM. Representatives from Patrick Air Force Base/45th Space Wing, ATK, United Space Alliance (USA), Langley Research Center (LaRC), and KSC participated in the TIM. The primary objective of the TIM included tailoring of the Ares I-X and Ares I flight vehicle range safety requirements contained within the Air Force Space Command Manual (AFSPCMAN) 91-710 Volume IV (V4). Excellent progress was made during the TIM. Ares I-X V4 requirement tailoring was essentially completed while the Ares I V4 requirement tailoring was initiated, achieving approximately 10% completion. 


2. STRUCTURAL TEST COST OPTIONS: Options are continuing to be examined on cost-effective ways to conduct the full-size Upper Stage Structural Qualification Tests (designated SQ02 and SQ04). The leading option is to conduct these tests in Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Test Stand 4699. The top of the Stage Qualification test article is approximately 85 feet high, which is currently higher than Test Stand 4699. However, several ways of elevating the existing 4699 stand shear towers are being evaluated so that adequate shear loads can still be applied to the top of the test article. If this can be accomplished and the Stage Structural Qualification tests can be conducted as planned, then consideration will be given to dropping the Common Bulkhead Structural Qualification test (SQ03). This would require the incorporation of more test objectives into the Stage Structural Qualification Tests, but would reduce costs and reduce the chances of Test Stand 4699 becoming a schedule bottleneck for the structural test program. In addition, the Common Structural Development test (SD03) would still be conducted as planned. An Upper Stage Element review of these Structural Testing options is scheduled for 3/28/07. 

3. MICHOUD ASSEMBLY FACILITY (MAF) LAYOUT REPORT PRESENTED TO TRANSITION TEAM: The Austin Company presented the final report of a layout study for the MAF to the MAF transition team on 3/23/07. The report is the culmination of a 12-week effort and compiles the results of preliminary manufacturing flows of Ares I Upper Stage, Ares V Earth Departure Stage, and Ares V Core Stage with existing floor space allocations to Orion and Commercial Orbital Transportation System (COTS). Based on these flows, estimated manufacturing floor space and facility requirements were tabulated. Facility modification Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) costs were estimated. These results will be used to coordinate floor space allocations at MAF and to estimate budget requirements. 


4. DEBRIS/FRAGMENTATION MEETING WITH ATK: Ares Vehicle Integration Office personnel conducted a technical interchange meeting with Ares First Stage, Ames Research Center (ARC) Simulation Assisted Risk Assessment Team, and ATK personnel to discuss integrated aborts environment modeling planned for Ares Design Analysis Cycle 2 (DAC-2) and specific data needs from the First Stage Office/ATK to characterize post-abort debris environment. 


5. ARES I-X ROLL CONTROL SYSTEM (RoCS) TEST READINESS REVIEW: White Sands Test Facility has been conducting a test readiness review for the Ares I-X RoCS engines. The review indicated that there were no constraints on the test, which is scheduled for 4/10/07. The RoCS team also obtained delivery of flight tank sets from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base (AFB). The tanks are ‘clean’ (never been fueled), which makes them easier and safer to transport and handle. 


6. DESIGN REVIEW OF RS-68A: Members of the Ares V team participated in the design review of the RS-68A on 3/20-21/07. 

7. SUBSCALE INJECTOR TESTING: ER-32 is performing a series of subscale injector tests designed to characterize the performance increases of various injector configurations. The test series includes the testing of both 40- and 58-element injectors at varying fuel temperatures, mixture ratios, and velocity ratios. This work benefits the RS-68A and RS-68B engines, as well as the J-2X engine.

SpaceRef staff editor.