NASA MODIS Image of the Day: November 3, 2008 – Flooding in Yemen

Widespread flooding swept over eastern Yemen after Tropical Storm Three drenched the country with heavy rains on October 24-25, 2008.
The floods left 180 dead and displaced 20,000, said the World Health Organization.
The floods destroyed homes, and damaged water, phone, and power networks. This infrared-enhanced image, captured by the MODIS on the Terra satellite on October 30, 2008, shows flooding along the Wadi Hadramawt and the waterways that flow into it. The most severe flood damage was in cities along this important wadi. If you move your mouse over the image, you will see a second one, taken by the Terra MODIS a little more than a week (October 16) before the storm hit. The only sign of water here is a faint hint of green along the Wadi Hadramawt. Water is blue in this type of image, so the green is likely sparse vegetation. By October 30, top, pools of blue marked the Wadi Hadramawt. The traces of turquoise that line the wadi are probably water-soaked sand or mud. The landscape around the wadi resembles veins in a leaf with large tributaries and tiny channels branching off the main channel of the wadi. This suggests that although Yemen receives little rain, water has played a significant role in shaping the land.