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NASA MODIS Image of the Day: July 14, 2007 – Typhoon Man-Yi

By SpaceRef Editor
July 14, 2007
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NASA MODIS Image of the Day: July 14, 2007 – Typhoon Man-Yi
NASA MODIS Image of the Day: July 14, 2007 - Typhoon Man-Yi


On July 12, 2007, Super Typhoon Man-Yi was a huge spiral of clouds, intense winds, and powerful thunderstorms over the western Pacific as it arced northward toward the southern end of the Japanese Islands.

Though far offshore, the Category 4 Super Typhoon was large enough that the outer bands of the storm were bringing wind and rain to Taiwan despite the storm’s center being hundreds of mile away.

Forecasts as of July 12 were calling for the storm to weaken as it traveled through the island chain, reaching Tokyo as a more mild but still powerful Typhoon system on or around July 15. The MODIS on NASA’s Aqua satellite acquired this photo-like image at 2:05 p.m. local time (5:05 UTC). Very near the same time MODIS was observing the storm, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center estimated Man-Yi’s sustained winds to be over 240 kilometers per hour (145 miles per hour). The satellite image confirms that Man-Yi was a powerful Super Typhoon. The storm has the hallmark tightly wound arms that spiral around a well-defined, circular eye. The symmetrical spirals, clear eye, and intense storm clouds around the eyewall are all features regularly seen in satellite images of other particularly powerful typhoons, which are also known as cyclones or hurricanes when they form in other parts of the world.

SpaceRef staff editor.