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NASA MODIS Image of the Day: July 11, 2009 – Dust Plumes over the Red Sea

By SpaceRef Editor
July 11, 2009
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NASA MODIS Image of the Day: July 11, 2009 – Dust Plumes over the Red Sea
NASA MODIS Image of the Day: July 11, 2009 - Dust Plumes over the Red Sea


Dust blew off the coast of Sudan and over the Red Sea on July 9, 2009.

The MODIS on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this natural-color image the same day.

The thickest plume of dust appears to arise near the shore, and blows toward the northeast. Thinner dust plumes blow toward the southeast, just missing the Saudi Arabian coast. The high-resolution version of this image shows a thin veil of dust extending southeastward over the Red Sea, running almost the entire length of Eritrea’s coast.

SpaceRef staff editor.