Status Report

NASA Michoud Hurricane Ida Status Report Aug. 31, 2021 4:30 p.m. (with images)

By SpaceRef Editor
September 1, 2021
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The roof on Building 103 at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility sustained damage following Hurricane Ida on Aug. 29, 2021. The wind from the storm buckled sections of the roof and caused damage to the roof deck panels and to the lightning protection system.

A damaged fan dislodged from the roof is seen on Building 103 at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility. Hurricane Ida impacted the New Orleans area on Aug. 29, 2021 causing wide-spread damage and destruction.

Assessments continue at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility following Hurricane Ida. Damage to the roofs of several buildings have been confirmed and includes loose panels, panels removed during the storm, debris and water damage. 

Michoud remains on limited generator power for essential areas. Due to no power in the factory, assessments inside have been limited and by flashlight only. No damage has been observed to date to flight hardware with inspections inside the factory to continue for the next several days. 

Crews will also continue assessments and inspections across the facility grounds and buildings. Debris remains across campus and on roadways and is being cleared by on-site teams. 

The facility remains closed and access limited to essential personnel.

SpaceRef staff editor.