Status Report

NASA Mars Rovers Status 31 Mar 2004

By SpaceRef Editor
April 1, 2004
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SPIRIT UPDATE: Brushing the Dust Off ‘Missouri’ – sol 86, March 31, 2004

Spirit began sol 86, which ended at 2:20 p.m. PST on March 31,
2004, by waking up and heating the panoramic mast assembly to
complete sky and ground stares with the miniature thermal
emission spectrometer. Spirit completed the alpha particle
X-ray spectrometer integration on the hole made by the
rock abrasion tool and then took a 45-minute nap.

Once Spirit woke up, it began the 6-position rock abrasion
tool brush mosaic on the target "Missouri" on the rock called
"Mazatzal." Once this was completed successfully, the rover’s
arm was stowed.

Spirit then rolled backwards .9 meters (2.95 feet) to
correctly position itself to acquire mini thermal emission
spectrometer imaging of the newly brushed mosaic, and the
previously ground hole. In addition, Spirit took sky and
ground stares and panoramic camera images of the upcoming
drive direction. The sol ended with mini thermal emission
spectrometer stares at the "Columbia Hills" and an afternoon
pass by NASA’s Mars Odyssey orbiter.

Sol 87, which ends at 3:00 p.m. PST on April 1, 2004, will be
a driving day for Spirit as it begins what could be a
record-breaking journey toward the Columbia Hills.

OPPORTUNITY UPDATE: Opportunity ‘Back in the Saddle’ – sol 65, March 31, 2004

Opportunity resumed science operations after waking to
Aerosmith’s "Back in the Saddle" on its 65th sol, which ended
at 2:02 a.m. PST on March 31. During the martian morning, the
miniature thermal emission spectrometer and panoramic camera
studied the atmosphere. "Bounce" rock was imaged by the
panoramic camera.

Opportunity’s instrument arm was then deployed to get a close-up
view of "Bounce" using the microscopic imager. The rock abrasion
tool team used some of these images to identify the exact target
for next sol’s grinding operation. The Moessbauer spectrometer
was then placed on a designated target on the rock for an
overnight integration.

In the afternoon, Opportunity took navigation and panoramic
camera images and completed more miniature thermal emission
spectrometer science.

Next sol, the rover’s rock abrasion tool will grind into Bounce.

SpaceRef staff editor.