Status Report

NASA Mars Rover Status 23 Feb 2004

By SpaceRef Editor
February 24, 2004
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Spirit Status for sol – 50 Heading for Middle Ground – Feb. 23, 1:30 pm PST

On Sol 50, ending at 2:35 p.m. PST, Spirit finished observations
of the trench at "Laguna Hollow," then continued on its journey
toward the crater called "Bonneville." Driving in a dog-leg
pattern to avoid some bumpy terrain, Spirit traveled
approximately 18.8 meters (61.7 feet) toward the halfway point,
called "Middle Ground." The last 2.8 meters (9.2 feet) were
covered using autonomous navigation software.

After completing the drive, Spirit gathered miniature thermal
emission spectrometer data on the ground on both sides of the
rover, and its panoramic camera and navigation camera took

The wake-up song this morning (Sunday evening Pacific time)
was "Samba De Marte" by Beth Carvalho from her "Perolas Do
Pagode" album. The lyrics include a verse about waking up the
rover on Carnival Day. This song was written by Beth Carvalho
after she heard that one of her songs was used to wake up
Mars Pathfinder’s Sojourner rover during the 1997 mission.
This is quite appropriate, as this spirited sol 50 also began on
Carnival day in Brazil!

In the coming sols, Spirit will complete the drive to "Middle

SpaceRef staff editor.