Status Report

NASA Mars Rover Daily Updates – February 13, 2004

By SpaceRef Editor
February 14, 2004
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Spirit Status for sol 40 posted Feb. 13, 9:45 am PST

Spirit woke up to its 40th sol on Mars to the song “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong and then proceeded to have a wonderful sol which ended at 7:59 a.m. Friday, PST. After utilizing the miniature thermal emission spectrometer instrument on surrounding soil and completing some pre-drive imaging with the panoramic camera, Spirit proceeded 90 centimeters (2.95 feet) towards a collection of rocks called “Stone Council.” The drive lasted less than five minutes. After completing the drive, Spirit imaged several rocks with the panoramic camera, and completed a mosaic of the area in front and to the left of itself.

On sol 41, which will end at 8:39 a.m. Saturday, PST, Spirit will be repositioned in front of the flaky rock called “Mimi” in preparation for placing its instrument deployment device on that rock during sol 42.

SpaceRef staff editor.