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NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE Imagery Release 9 July 2008

By SpaceRef Editor
July 9, 2008
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NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE Imagery Release 9 July 2008

Information about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is online at The mission is managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology, for the NASA Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, of Denver, is the prime contractor and built the spacecraft. HiRISE is operated by t he University of Arizona. Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp., of Boulder, Colo., built the HiRISE instrument.

Phoenix Lander and Hardware
Phoenix Lander and Hardware
As the Phoenix Lander investigates the Martian surface, HiRISE continues to image it and its surroundings.
Geologic Contacts in Juventae Chasma
Geologic Contacts in Juventae Chasma
The chaotic terrain in Juventae is believed to have formed when subsurface water in the ground flowed away.
Craters and Pit Crater Chains in Chryse Planitia
Craters and Pit Crater Chains in Chryse Planitia
Unlike craters formed by impacts, pit crater chains are made by the collapse of material into a void.
Phoenix Descent with Color and the Heat Shield in Free-Fall
Phoenix Descent with Color and the Heat Shield in Free-Fall
An engineering triumph let HiRISE capture the Phoenix Lander on its descent; now the color swath of that image is available.
Utopia Planitia Landforms
Utopia Planitia Landforms
In this image, the prominent features are fractured mounds or hills.
Fall in Hellas Basin
Fall in Hellas Basin
In this false color image, frost is condensing and shows up as bright blue patches.
Multiple Generations of Dark Slope Streaks on a Crater in Arabia Terra
Multiple Generations of Dark Slope Streaks on a Crater in Arabia Terra
The most recent features appear the darkest, and they appear to gradually brighten over time as more dust is deposited from the thin Martian atmosphere.
Crater Central Uplift West of Nili Fossae
Crater Central Uplift West of Nili Fossae
This portion of the image shows some of the central uplift rocks in fine detail.
Gullies with Meandering Channels and Channels That Widen Downslope
Gullies with Meandering Channels and Channels That Widen Downslope
Most of the gullies are cut deeply into the crater wall and have narrow channels.

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HiRISE Operations Center
1541 E. University Blvd
Tucson, Arizona 85721

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