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NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE Imagery Release 29 August 2007

By SpaceRef Editor
September 3, 2007
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NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE Imagery Release 29 August 2007

Onboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the HiRISE camera offers unprecedented image quality, giving us a view of the Red Planet in a way never before seen.

It’s the most powerful camera ever to leave Earth’s orbit.

Spiders in the Summer Spiders in the Summer
The south polar region of Mars contains numerous features dubbed “spiders,” narrow shallow channels carved in the ground.
New View of Dark Pit on Arsia Mons New View of Dark Pit on Arsia Mons
What was previously considered to be possible cave entrance, a new image shows, is actually a pit.
Ghost Crater Near the South Pole Ghost Crater Near the South Pole
A circular structure near the south pole of Mars, possibly a heavily modified impact crater.
Remnants of a Deposit in Electris Remnants of a Deposit in Electris
The origins of this thick deposit that once covered much of the Electris region, remains uncertain.
Polar Pit Gullies Polar Pit Gullies
A view of incipient gully formation in polar pits.
Swiss Cheese Terrain in South Polar Region Swiss Cheese Terrain in South Polar Region
Repeated images are taken of areas like this so the changes in depression size and where they form can be monitored through the seasons.
Exposure of South Polar Layered Deposits Exposure of South Polar Layered Deposits
The layers formed probably over the past few million years, telling us much about global climate changes on Mars.

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