Status Report

NASA Mars Opportunity Rover: ‘Endurance Crater’ Overview

By SpaceRef Editor
September 13, 2004
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This overview of “Endurance Crater” traces the path of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity from sol 94 (April 29, 2004) to sol 205 (August 21, 2004). The route charted to enter the crater was a bit circuitous, but well worth the extra care engineers took to ensure the rover’s safety. On sol 94, Opportunity sat on the edge of this impressive, football field-sized crater while rover team members assessed the scene. After traversing around the “Karatepe” region and past “Burns Cliff,” the rover engineering team assessed the possibility of entering the crater.

Careful analysis of the angles Opportunity would face, including testing an Earth-bound model on simulated martian terrain, led the team to decide against entering the crater at that particular place. Opportunity then backed up before finally dipping into the crater on its 130th sol (June 5, 2004).

The rover has since made its way down the crater’s inner slope, grinding, trenching and examining fascinating rocks and soil targets along the way. The rover nearly made it to the intriguing dunes at the bottom of the crater, but when it got close, the terrain did not look safe enough to cross.

Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell/OSU/MSSS

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SpaceRef staff editor.