Status Report

NASA Mars Exploration Rover Status 24 June 2005

By SpaceRef Editor
June 27, 2005
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NASA Mars Exploration Rover Status 24 June 2005

SPIRIT UPDATE: On the Move – sol 518-524, June 24, 2005

Spirit started this week by completing two remote sensing sols on June 18 and 19 (sols 518 and 519). The rover made observations with its panoramic camera, navigation camera, and miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Spirit completed a complex drive plan on June 20 (sol 520), and drove 38 meters (125 feet)!

Spirit continued to drive on June 21 (sol 521) using visual odometry, and drove 9 meters (30 feet).

On June 22 (sol 522), Spirit performed remote sensing including panoramic camera observations with 13 different filters, navigation camera observations of dust devils, panoramic and navigation camera images of the rear tracks, and miniature thermal emission spectrometer observations after the afternoon communication session with the Mars Odyssey orbiter.

Spirit drove again on June 23 (sol 523) for 12 meters (39 feet).

More driving is planned for June 24, 2005.

Total odometry as of the end of sol 523 (June 23, 2005) is 4,530.51 meters (2.82 miles).

SpaceRef staff editor.