Status Report

NASA Mars 2020 AO has been amended

By SpaceRef Editor
December 4, 2013
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NASA Mars 2020 AO has been amended

The Mars 2020 Investigations AO solicits flight investigations for which each Principal Investigator is responsible for a complete space flight investigation, including instrument hardware, mission operations, and data analysis. Investigations comprised of individual instruments or multiple instruments (suites) may respond to the overall Mars 2020 objectives to explore and quantitatively assess Mars as a potential habitat for life, to search for signs of past life, to collect carefully selected samples for possible future return to Earth, and to prepare for future human exploration of Mars.

This amendment makes a number of changes, additions, corrections and clarifications, which are identified in the Foreword and detailed in bold in the text, to the Announcement of Opportunity. The proposal due date is unchanged; proposals are due January 15, 2014.

On December 4, 2013, this Amendment to the NASA Announcement of Opportunity “Mars 2020 Investigations” (NNH13ZDA018O) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning this amendment and the Mars 2020 AO, may be directed to Mitchell Schulte, Planetary Science Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001. Telephone: (202) 358-2127;


SpaceRef staff editor.