Status Report

NASA Lessons Learned: Space Shuttle Program/Workforce/Workload Sustainment

By SpaceRef Editor
October 1, 2003
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PLLS Database Entry: 1139

Lesson Info

  • Lesson Number: 1139
  • Lesson Date: 01-feb-2000
  • Submitting Organization: HQ
  • Submitted by: David M. Lengyel


Space Shuttle Program/Workforce/Workload Sustainment

Description of Driving Event:

Higher Shuttle Flight Rates Driving Higher Workloads

Lesson(s) Learned:

Space Shuttle processing workload is sufficiently high that it is unrealistic to depend on the current staff to support higher flight rates and simultaneously develop productivity improvements to compensate for reduced head counts. NASA and Shuttle Processing Contract (SPC) cannot depend solely on improved productivity to meet increasing launch demands.


Hire additional personnel and support them with adequate training.

Evidence of Recurrence Control Effectiveness:

NASA concurs with the ASAP recommendation. Both NASA and SPC recognize the need to assure adequately staffed and trained personnel for processing the Shuttle and, simultaneously, pursue productivity improvements that can help meet the planned flight-rate increases. To address this concern, KSC civil servant Shuttle Processing has authorization for additional staff, and SPC is increasing their workforce at KSC from 3,650 to approximately 3,900 to support Shuttle processing. Recruitment for these positions is in progress and expected to be completed in FY 2000. Finally, a replenishment rate for FY 2001 has been authorized at KSC, which will permit continued infusion of skills to offset anticipated attrition.

Applicable NASA Enterprise(s):

  • Human Exploration & Development of Space

Applicable Crosscutting Process(es):

  • Manage Strategically
  • Provide Aerospace Products & Capabilities: Implementation

Additional Key Phrases:

  • Administration/Organization
  • Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel
  • Human Resources & Education
  • Policy & Planning

Approval Info:

  • Approval Date: 25-feb-2002
  • Approval Name: Bill Loewy
  • Approval Organization: HQ
  • Approval Phone Number: 202-358-0528

SpaceRef staff editor.