NASA LaRC Internal Memo: Let Your Voice Be Heard
From: “Skora, Mary M.
Date: January 5, 2010
To: Larc-DL-All
Subject: Let Your Voice Be Heard
TO: All Langley Civil Servants and Contractors
SUBJECT: Langley Story Focus Groups begin Jan. 19
Happy 2010! As we begin this new year, we move into the next phase of our Center external communications initiative — Telling the Langley Story.
Over 500 of you responded to the Langley Story survey and we will shortly have some preliminary results. The next step is a series of focus groups to further define what kind of an organization we are and what prompts us to come to work each day.
Focus groups are scheduled for January 19-20-21 and 26-27-28. Two sessions will be held each day: 8:30-noon and 1-4:30 in Building 1216, Room 201.
It is important that we get a good cross section of participants so that our story represents the breadth of what we do here at Langley and why it is important to the Agency and the nation.
I urge you to sign up on the Langley Story website. Go to and choose the day and time that best suits your schedule.
Let your voice be heard and ensure your organization’s work is represented — sign up for a Langley Story focus group.
Lesa Roe