NASA Langley Office of Education Announces New Cooperative Agreement Opportunity
NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., is releasing a Cooperative Agreement Notice in support of the NASA Langley Office of Education entitled Electronic Professional Development Network (ePDN). The overall goal of the CAN is to develop an infrastructure and to deploy within that infrastructure research-based technology applications, products and services that enhance educator professional development through the use of online technologies. The recipient will be required to partner with NASA to design, prepare, produce, deliver and evaluate online professional development events, workshops, and courses leading to educators’ effective use of NASA educational materials in learning environments.
Participation in this program is restricted to educational institutions or other educational nonprofit organizations. Proposals from outside the United States will not be considered.
Electronically submitted Notices of Intent to propose are requested by Aug. 14, 2008. Proposal due date is Sept. 10, 2008.
Proposals must be submitted electronically via the NASA proposal data system NSPIRES or via
For more information about this opportunity, visit . If you have any questions about this opportunity, please direct your questions to the Point of Contact listed within the solicitation.