Status Report

NASA KSC Sabbatical Program (KSP) for University Faculty

By SpaceRef Editor
January 10, 2004
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General Information

  • Document Type: Special Notice
  • Solicitation Number: NASA-SNOTE-040109-001
  • Posted Date: Jan 09, 2004
  • Original Response Date:
  • Original Archive Date: Jan 09, 2005
  • Current Archive Date:

Contracting Office Address
NASA/John F. Kennedy Space Center, Procurement, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899


Kennedy Space Center Sabbatical Program (KSP) for University Faculty
DUE 02/20/04
POC Mrs. Leslie M. Solum , 321-867-0299, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Kennedy Space Center, Mail Code OP-ES, KSC, FL 32899.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is offering an opportunity for university faculty to collaborate with KSC while on sabbatical. Faculty with a research interest in an area matching the KSC technical activities listed below are invited to send a proposal to KSC by February 20, 2004.

It is intended the sabbatical activity would occur in one of the following timeframes:

1) the sabbatical would commence in August, 2004 and end in May, 2005 or

2) the sabbatical would commence in either August 2004, or January 2005 and run one semester. It is highly encouraged faculty leverage this sabbatical opportunity with the NASA Faculty Fellowship Program, or other matching funding, to lengthen the stay at KSC to include summer, 2004 and/or summer 2005. Information on the NASA Faculty Fellowship Program can be found at: Note that a separate application must be submitted by February 2, 2004 to the NFFP program. Faculty should note on that application that they are also applying to the KSC Sabbatical Program. 1) The three technical areas of interest are:

1) A sabbatical position is available for a university faculty member with experience in the preparation of microencapsulated materials to help support the development of a new class of electrical wire insulation. This effort would be part of an ongoing project to develop insulating materials that have the ability to self-repair. This is a complex project that encompasses several related areas that include polymer synthesis, polymer degradation, reactive materials, and photochemistry. It is envisioned that the successful applicant would spend the majority of their time in the laboratory working with our chemical technicians. The hope is that a long-term relationship can be established to continue the development of these insulating materials. KSC Contact: Dr. Clyde Parrish,

2) The Corrosion Research and Engineering Group at NASA?s John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is interested in carrying research focused on the areas of understanding, detection, prevention, mitigation, and control of corrosion that affects systems such as space flight hardware, ground support equipment, and facility infrastructures to increase safety and reliability and reduce maintenance costs. Current research areas of interest include the investigation of the corrosive properties of tubing alloys using electrochemical techniques in combination with atmospheric exposure, development of environmentally compliant coating systems, non-destructive detection of corrosion, reinforced concrete protection research, and identification and characterization of an alternative refractory materials for the Main and Side Flame Deflectors at LC39.

More information on the KSC Corrosion Research and Engineering Group can be found at:

KSC Contact: Dr. Luz Marina Calle, 3) A growing concern within both the military and aerospace communities is the absorption of water in composite materials. It is well known that these materials can absorb as much as 3% of their weight in water and normally this is not an issue. But in applications where excessive heating can occur, it appears that the water can boil and damage the composite. A significant effort is under way to research and develop Thermal Protection Systems Detection Technologies to measure water content in current and future thermal protection systems, including tiles, blankets, graphite epoxy, and composite materials.

KSC contact: Dr. Robert Youngquist at Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the KSC representative before applying. For technical information, contact the names above. For administrative information contact Dr. Gregg Buckingham,

(2) Pursuant to 32 CFR Sec. 22.315 and Sec. 22.320, this announcement is open only to eligible U.S. colleges and universities. Proposals from minority universities are encouraged. In addition, applicants must be U.S. citizens.

(3) The proposal shall not exceed 10 pages (81/2 x 11 single-spaced), in English text. Pitch requirements are 12 pitch with 1 inch left, right, and bottom margin and 11/2-inch top margin. The proposal may be submitted in electronic format as MS Word for Windows document for the text and MS Excel for Windows for cost information. The first page of the proposal must be an executive summary of the proposed sabbatical activity. The proposal shall include full discussion of the scope, nature, objectives of the proposed effort, rationale for the approach based on current literature and methodology, expected results, evaluation plan and any state-of-the-art technology advancements. The proposal should discuss the faculty?s capabilities and qualifications including discussion of relevant faculty experience, current research in the subject area, applicable university facilities/labs available, and publications in the subject area. The faculty should provide the necessary scheduling, planning and budgeting documentation that fully describes the proposed program, which should include the faculty?s approach for controlling expenditures and labor hours. All proprietary material should be clearly marked.

(4) At least one grant is anticipated. Proposals will be evaluated and a selection made within sixty days of the proposal due date. Proposals not selected will be kept on file for one year. Issuance of this announcement does not obligate the Government to pay any proposal preparation costs or to award any grants. The government reserves the right to select for award any, all, part, or none of the proposals received, subject to availability of funding.

(5) EVALUATION FACTORS: Selection of proposal(s) for award will be based on an assessment of those that are most advantageous to the KSC technical mission and availability of funds. The principal elements to be considered in the evaluation are a. The technical match between the faculty?s research plan for the sabbatical and KSC?s technical requirements. b. Overall technical merit of the proposal, including unique and innovative methods, approaches, or concepts demonstrated by the proposal along with the expected outcome of the sabbatical. c. The qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the proposed principal investigator d. Consideration of diversity e. Potential impact to course content, course development when faculty returns to the university f. Any leveraged funding or resources g. Evaluation of the cost of the proposed effort, including the realism and reasonableness of the proposed cost, available funds and requested per diem/living expenses. The per diem rates for Brevard County, FL are $105 for lodging (excludes taxes) and $38.00 for M&IE. The per diem rate for an extended stay is 60% of $105 and $38; or $63.00 and $22.80 respectively. You may refer to the following website for any additional per diem rates or information you may need in preparation of your proposal: FLORIDA&yr=2003.

(6) This announcement will remain open through close of business (4:30 pm EST) 20 February 2004. Only proposals addressing the program description noted above will be accepted. Proposals accepted will be evaluated and a selection made within 60 days, subject to availability of funds. Meritorious proposals that do not receive awards will be kept on file.

(7) For planning purposes, the award amount will vary depending on the two semester or one semester option. It is assumed faculty on sabbatical one semester receive full salary and faculty on a full academic-year sabbatical receive 50% of salary from their institution. Additionally, faculty are expected to be in residence at KSC during the sabbatical period. A one semester proposal would include such items as travel, relocation and living expenses. A two semester proposal would additionally include some salary requirements for the two semesters.

8) Title and frequency of reports: Quarterly R&D Status Report – This report shall keep the Government informed of Grantee activity and progress toward accomplishment of Grant objectives and advancement in state-of-the-art on the research and development involved. Final Technical Report – This report, due upon completion of the Grant, shall document the results of the complete effort.

(9) Send proposals to Mrs. Leslie M. Solum, Mail Code OP-ES, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Kennedy Space Center, KSC, FL 32899.

Phone number is 321-867-0299; email General proposal information can be found at:

Email your questions to Leslie M. Solum at

SpaceRef staff editor.