NASA JSC PAO Internal Memo: Space Station Live Placed on Hiatus

From: “Kincaid, Michael A. (JSC-AD111)”
Date: July 22, 2013, 7:03:28 AM CDT
Cc: “Blue, Regina B. (JSC-AD111)”, “Rostohar, Jim (JSC-AD911)”, “Hess, Martha J. (JSC-AO)[DB Consulting Group, Inc.]”, “Conder, Deborah A. (JSC-AD111)”, “Hellner, Todd W. (JSC-AD111)”
Subject: ERO 2.0 and the PAO Team…
As you know, Ellen regularly challenges each of us to consider JSC 2.0: if we could start over, what would we do differently while still remaining true to our goals and objectives? And, our ERO Strategic Approach and BHAG (which we’re starting to call ERO 2.0), aligns great with Ellen’s call to action.
When I look back over the past 2.5 years I’ve been in this role, and as I look at the PAO team in particular, I can see many, many different improvements–some small, some large–that the team has successfully implemented. In recent months we’ve: completely re-imagined crew news conferences, revamped the JSC internal website, launched a 2.0 website, retooled JSC Today, launched the Director’s eNews, hosted several leading edge Google+ Hangouts, designed a fresh way to introduce a new astronaut class, plus many, many more things.
However, in order to have the time to ensure that our products align to our ERO BHAG and align with the desires of our partners, we can’t just keep piling on additional work. To that end, after extensive discussions, we’re placing Space Station Live on hiatus at the end of the week. And, we’re working with the ISS Program to consider other things as well – using a new, regular meeting where leaders from ERO and ISS share updates and collaborate together. For example, we’d use this forum to discuss a pilot effort where we support uncrewed vehicle launches, dockings and undockings differently–perhaps providing commentary only through social media.
Most importantly, we’re asking that you be a part of this activity to pause and re-examine where we spend our time while ensuring that they both align to our BHAG/Strategic Approach as well as provide the greatest return for our efforts. If you have a specific idea of something that we could stop – or overhaul — please let us know.
We’re considering the rest of FY13 as an opportunity to: 1) pilot out new ways of doing business, and 2) look for things that we could put on hiatus while we study different ways to accomplish the work on our plate. Some pilot efforts will work great — others may fail miserably. Yet I think we all would agree that continuing to do more with less is unsustainable.
It’s not easy to change. And yet I know that working together we can still stimulate actions by others to advance human space flight. Thanks for your ongoing support and effort —
Director, External Relations Office
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