NASA JPL Internal Memo: New Non-productive Effort Requirement

September 16, 2008
To: All Managers and Administrators
From: HR Directorate and Finance Division
Subject: New Non-productive effort Requirement
Recently, NASA requested that JPL track the time that our non-overtime eligible employees are absent from work for less than a full day (non-productive time) when such absences result in the employee working less than their regular weekly schedule. In support of this request, we needed to make a change to our current timekeeping requirements and allow non-overtime eligible employees to allocate their non-productive hours to a separate account. Time that is charged to non-productive effort will not decrement vacation and/or sick leave accruals.
Effective Monday, September 29, 2008 JPL will implement this new Non-productive effort timekeeping account for non-overtime eligible employees and managers. The use of this account does not apply to non-exempt and overtime eligible employees (OTE).
Please review the linked PDF presentation titled “Non-Productive Effort” by clicking on . It provides details of how to use the account, record Non-productive effort on the timecard, and outlines the steps Human Resources and the Finance Division will take to roll out the implementation. In addition, click on this link to access FAQ’s on Non-productive effort .
Managers are responsible for reviewing and approving the weekly timekeeping transactions for their employees and ensuring adherence to this new requirement. Managers are advised to keep close watch on how the Non-productive effort account is used by employees. Any suspected abuse should be immediately discussed with Human Resources to determine if disciplinary action is warranted.
The communication and roll out of the Non-productive effort will occur over the next couple of weeks as follows:
Week of 9/15
- Briefing for Directorate Administrators
- 9/17 Email to Managers and Administrators announcing new requirement
- 9/19 email to only non-overtime eligible employees announcing new requirement
- HR conducts presentations to mgr and employee groups as requested by line managers
Week of 9/22
- HR conducts presentations to mgr and employee groups as requested by line managers
- 9/25 Email reminder to only non-overtime eligible employees about new requirement and effective date
Weeks of 9/29 and October 6
- The Non-productive effort requirement is effective Monday, September 29, 2008
- HR conducts presentations to mgr and employee groups as requested by line managers
- Non-productive effort timekeeping rules updated and posted to JPL Rules!
Your Human Resources Manager (HRM) and HR Generalist are the primary points of contact to address any questions you may have regarding the requirement and its implementation. They will contact you to find out how best to help you communicate this new requirement to affected employees.
This email communication is sent to you in advance of a similar communication to your non-overtime eligible employees. They will receive the announcement of the Non-productive effort requirement via email within the next 3-4 business days. The Non-productive effort requirement announcement will not be sent to non-exempt or overtime eligible (OTE) employees.