Status Report

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 29 May 2008

By SpaceRef Editor
May 29, 2008
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NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 29 May 2008

All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except those noted previously or below.

Upon wake-up, CDR Sergey Volkov terminated his third MBI-12 SONOKARD experiment session for the long-term Russian sleep study, by taking the recording device from his SONOKARD sports shirt pocket and later copying the measurements to the RSE-MED laptop for subsequent downlink to the ground. [SONOKARD objectives are stated to (1) study the feasibility of obtaining the maximum of data through computer processing of records obtained overnight, (2) systematically record the crewmember’s physiological functions during sleep, (3) study the feasibility of obtaining real-time crew health data. Investigators believe that contactless acquisition of cardiorespiratory data over the night period could serve as a basis for developing efficient criteria for evaluating and predicting adaptive capability of human body in long-duration space flight.]

Afterwards, the CDR conducted the periodic servicing of the active Russian BMP (Harmful Impurities Removal System) by starting the "bake-out" cycle to vacuum on absorbent bed #1 of the regenerable dual-channel filtration system. The regen process will be terminated before sleeptime, at ~5:15pm EDT. Regeneration of bed #2 follows tomorrow. [Regeneration of each of the two cartridges takes about 12 hours and is conducted only during crew awake periods. The BMP’s regeneration cycle is regularly done every 20 days.]

FE-1 Oleg Kononenko supported the ground’s activation of the Elektron O2 generator at 32 amps by monitoring the external temperature of its secondary purification unit (BD) for the first 10 minutes of operations to ensure that there is no overheating. [During nominal operations a gas analyzer is utilized to detect hydrogen (H2) in the O2 line (which could cause overheating) but is not included in the control algorithm until 10 minutes after Elektron startup.]

FE-2 Garrett Reisman conducted the weekly 10-min. CWC (Contingency Water Container) audit as part of on-going WDS (Water Delivery System) assessment of onboard water supplies. [Updated “cue cards” based on the crew’s water calldowns are sent up every other week. Three empty CWCs (#1039, #1079, #10650) were moved from Node-1 to a mesh bag in the Lab with other pre-gathered CWCs for fill-up during 1J.]

In the JLP (JEM Logistics Module Pressurized Section), the FE-2 continued JTVE (JEM TV Camera Equipment) installation preparations, today completing the work on the second set, i.e., gathering components, configuring the second boom for camera installation and returning everything to stowage. [Assembly of the Forward & Aft JTVE booms and cameras involved rack rotation in the JLP for boom removal, followed later by pre-1J boom assembly including MLI (Multi-Layer Insulation) cover retrieval & installation, and installation of each camera onto its launch lock bolt. After the external JTVE installation by the spacewalkers, the ground will perform a checkout on each of them.]

Also in the JLP, the FE-2 repositioned the front bracket of the DMS1 rack to eliminate future interference with the rack’s fire port. [This task was deferred from yesterday.]

Working on the Russian BVS computer system, Volkov first upgraded the RSK1 laptop with new software (Vers. 1.4) from a DVD running on the RSE1 machine. [The upgrade includes the software for the new Neurolab experiment (NEURON32), an update for the SIGMA ballistics routine, etc.]

Later, Sergey replaced the RS3 laptop with the RS1 laptop for the KTsP1 (CPC1, Central Post Computer #1), while RS2 continued supporting nominal operations by the KTsP2 (CPC2).

After removing an EDV container-full of water from the ATV “Jules Verne” to check out this WDS (Water Delivery System) function, Kononenko continued setting up for more transfer of US condensate water to empty ATV
WDS tanks, today first checking the hermeticity of the cargo ship’s WCP2 tank bladder with a pump for one hour, then configuring the transfer gear. [The WCP3 tank was filled on 5/26 with ~88 liters. WCP1 contains potable water.]

Reisman used the electronic Velocicalc instrument to take THC IMV (Temperature & Humidity Control/Intermodule Ventilation) air flow measurements of relative humidity (dew point, wet bulb temp), temperature and velocity (flow rate) of the air from Node-1 Stbd Aft and Node-2 Overhead Port locations. [Today’s activity was to retake the measurements collected by Garrett on 5/7, as a double-check (or correction) for the ground of some unexpected results, in order to verify good IMV flow during 1J next week.]

In the Soyuz TMA-12/16S spacecraft, docked at the DC1 Docking Compartment, Volkov turned off the spacecraft’s gas analyzer (GA) which he had activated on 5/26. [Monitoring the atmosphere of the CRV (Crew Return Vehicle) with the GA is a periodic procedure.]

The FE-2 prepared the POC-DOUG (Portable Onboard Computers/Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics) application with a new software load for the upcoming 1J Robotics activities and verified correct function of the system. [DOUG is a special application running on the MSS (Mobile Service System) RWS laptops that provides a graphical birdseye-view image of the external station configuration and the SSRMS (Space Station Remote Manipulator System), showing its real-time location and configuration on a laptop during its operation. During 1J, the SSRMS will be used on FD4 for the OBSS (Orbiter Boom Sensor System) transfer & JPM installation, on FD6 for JPM grapple release & walkoff, on FD7 for Node-2 release, Focused Inspection support, & JLP relocation, on FD8 to maneuver to EVA-3 start position, on FD9 for NTA (Nitrogen Tank Assembly) R&R & JEM RMS deployment video support, and on FD8/FD10 for video support of JEM RMS deployment.]

Afterwards, Garrett performed the periodic battery check and reboot of all active US PCS (Portable Computer System) and COL PWS (Columbus Orbital Laboratory/Portable Workstation) laptops, a once-a-month activity.

The crew conducted a joint 1-hr timeline review of the upcoming STS-124/1J EVAs, followed by a tagup/teleconference with ground specialists at ~10:55am EDT. [Timeline overview see below. The EVAs will be performed by Mike Fossum (EV1) & Ron Garan (EV2). EVA prep & prebreathe support will be provided during the three EVAs by Chamitoff, Reisman & Volkov, while Shuttle PLT Ken Ham serves as IV crewmember.]

Later, the FE-2 continued EVA preparations in the Airlock (A/L) deferred from 5/23. [Garrett “de-gassed” PWRs (Payload Water Reservoirs) #1007 & #1023 and returning them to stowage in the EL (Equipment Lock). “De-gassing” = removing air bubbles from the PWR water that will be used to refill the EMU water tanks, by centripetal force, i.e., swinging to produce temporary “artificial gravity”.]

Continuing the current round of periodic preventive maintenance of RS (Russian Segment) ventilation systems, Sergey spent ~50 min. in the DC1 (Docking Compartment), cleaning the PF1,2 dust collector cartridges and V1 & V2 ventilator grilles.

The CDR completed the routine maintenance of the SM’s SOZh/ECLSS system, including ASU toilet facilities systems/replaceables. [Regular daily SOZh maintenance consists of replacement of the KTO & KBO solid waste containers, replacement of an EDV-SV waste water and EDV-U urine container, and processing U.S. condensate water as it becomes available in a filled CWC from the Lab humidifier.]

Oleg performed the daily IMS (Inventory Management System) maintenance, updating/editing its standard “delta file” including stowage locations, for the regular weekly automated export/import to its three databases on the ground (Houston, Moscow, Baikonur).

Garrett Reisman had another hour set aside for more personal departure preparations.

At ~2:20pm EDT, Volkov & Reisman linked up with ground specialists at MCC-H for a 15-min debrief to discuss the images downlinked from their recent (5/26) Shuttle RPM (R-bar Pitch Maneuver) skill training. [The skill training prepares the crew for the bottom-side mapping of the Discovery upon its arrival on 6/2. During the RPM at ~600 ft from the station, the ISS crew will have only ~90 seconds for taking high-resolution digital photographs of all tile areas and door seals on the Orbiter, to be downlinked for launch debris assessment. Thus, time available for the shooting will be very limited, requiring great coordination between the two headset-equipped photographers and the Shuttle.]

The crew conducted their regular 2.5-hr. physical workout program (about half of which is used for setup & post-exercise personal hygiene) on the CEVIS cycle ergometer (CDR, FE-1), TVIS treadmill (CDR, FE-1, FE-2), and RED resistive exercise device (CDR, FE-1, FE-2).

Afterwards, Kononenko transferred the crew’s exercise data file to the MEC (Medical Equipment Computer) for downlink, as well as the daily wristband HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) data of the workouts on RED, followed by their erasure on the HRM storage medium (done six times a week).

At ~3:47pm, FE-2 Reisman is scheduled for his weekly PFC (Private Family Conference) via S-band/audio and Ku-band/MS-NetMeeting application (which displays the uplinked ground video on an SSC laptop),

ASU Toilet System Update: At KSC, the replacement pump for the Russian ASU toilet system’s air/water separator (MNR-NS) and a supply of wring collectors were stowed this morning on STS-124/Discovery. RSC-Energia/Moscow has scheduled the R&R (removal & replacement) on 6/4.

CEO (Crew Earth Observation) photo target uplinked for today was Mt. Kilimanjaro, Kenya (looking to the right of track for Mount Kilimanjaro, one of Africa’s most famous volcanoes. There was probably cloud cover surrounding the volcano, but the upper slopes and peak are usually visible above the clouds. Photography of summit glaciers, snow cover, and dark lava flows was requested), Lake Nasser, Toshka Lakes, Egypt (weather was predicted to be clear over the man-made Toshka Lakes. Looking to the left of track for the Lakes, which are located to the west of Lake Nasser. Imagery of the Toshka Lakes was requested to track water level and shoreline changes), and Lake Poopo, Bolivia (looking to the right of track for this large saline lake located to the west of the Andes Mountains. The white expanse of Salar de Uyuni – the world’s largest salt flat – should have been visible to the SW of Lake Poopo. Imagery of Lake Poopo’s shorelines is useful to track changes in water level resulting from regional changes in precipitation).

CEO photography can be studied at this “Gateway” website: (as of 3/1/08, this database contained 757,605 views of the Earth from space, with 314,000 from the ISS alone).

ISS Orbit (as of this morning, 7:24am EDT [= epoch]):
Mean altitude — 340.2 km
Apogee height — 343.8 km
Perigee height — 336.7 km
Period — 91.34 min.
Inclination (to Equator) — 51.64 deg
Eccentricity — 0.0005288
Solar Beta Angle — 50.3 deg (magnitude decreasing)
Orbits per 24-hr. day — 15.76
Mean altitude loss in the last 24 hours — 42 m
Revolutions since FGB/Zarya launch (Nov. 98) — 54557

Significant Events Ahead (all dates Eastern Time, some changes possible.):
05/31/08 – STS-124/Discovery/1J launch – JEM PM (JPM) “Kibo”, racks, RMS (5:02pm EDT nominal)
06/02/08 – FD3 – STS-124/Discovery/1J docking (1:49pm)
———- Preliminary STS-124 docked timeline:

  • 6/03 – FD4 – EVA-1 (11:30am, 6.5 hrs.), OBSS transfer, JPM prep, S3/S4 SARJ TBA install, JPM install; Fossum/Garan (EV1/EV2)
  • 6/04 – FD5 – JPM Vestibule outfitting, Reisman/Chamitoff handovers
  • 6/05 – FD6 – EVA-2 (11:30am, 7 hrs), JPM outfit (JTVE install, JRMS cvr remv), S1 NTA prep, CP 9 ETVCG retrv
  • 6/06 – FD7 – JLP relocate to JPM; JLP Vestibule leak check; Focused inspection
  • 6/07 – FD8 – JLP Vestibule outfitting; CP9 ETVCG TVCIC R&R
  • 6/08 – FD9 – EVA-3 (10:30am, 7 hrs), S1 NTA R&R, compl JPM outfit (RMS cvr remv), P1 CP9 ETVCG install
  • 6/09 – FD10 – JRMS checkouts, JLP Vestibule outfitting, A/L BCM R&R
  • 6/10 – FD11 – Sayonara (~4:00pm), hatch close (~4:30pm)
  • 6/11 – FD12 – Undocking (~7:33am); Greg remains, Garrett leaves; OBSS survey/inspection
  • 6/12 – FD13 – Mostly off-duty
  • 6/13 – FD14 – Stowing; deorbit preps
  • 6/14 – FD15 – Deorbit burn

06/14/08 — STS-124/Discovery landing (KSC: ~11:02am EDT, nominal)
07/10/08 — Russian EVA-20 (7/10-11)
09/05/08 — ATV1 undocking
09/09/08 — Progress M-64/29P undocking (from DC1)
09/10/08 — Progress M-65/30P launch
09/12/08 — Progress M-65/30P docking
10/01/08 — NASA 50 Years
10/08/08 — STS-125/Atlantis Hubble Space Telescope Service Mission 4 (SM4)
10/11/08 — Progress M-65/30P undocking (from SM aft port)
10/12/08 — Soyuz TMA-13/17S launch
10/14/08 — Soyuz TMA-13/17S docking (SM aft port)
10/23/08 — Soyuz TMA-12/16S undocking (FGB nadir)
11/03/08 — Soyuz TMA-13/17S relocation (from SM aft to FGB nadir)
11/10/08 — STS-126/Endeavour/ULF2 launch – MPLM Leonardo, LMC
11/12/08 — STS-126/Endeavour/ULF2 docking
11/20/08 — ISS 10 Years
11/26/08 — Progress M-66/31P launch
11/28/08 — Progress M-66/31P docking
12/04/08 — STS-119/Discovery/15A launch – S6 truss segment
12/06/08 — STS-119/Discovery/15A docking
12/15/08 — STS-119/Discovery/15A undocking
2QTR CY09 — STS-127/2J/A launch – JEM EF, ELM-ES, ICC-VLD
3QTR CY09 — STS-128/17A/Atlantis – MPLM(P), last crew rotation
05/??/09 — Six-person crew on ISS (following Soyuz 18S-2 docking)
3QTR CY09 — STS-129/ULF3/Discovery – ELC1, ELC2
4QTR CY09 — STS-130/20A/Endeavour – Node-3 + Cupola
1QTR CY10 — STS-131/19A/Atlantis – MPLM(P)
1QTR CY10 — STS-132/ULF4/Discovery – ICC-VLD, MRM1 (contingency)
2QTR CY10 — STS-133/ULF5/Endeavour – ELC3, ELC4 (contingency).

SpaceRef staff editor.