Status Report

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 25 April 2013

By SpaceRef Editor
April 25, 2013
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NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 25 April 2013
NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 25 April 2013

International Space Station (ISS) Management Center (IMC) Daily Summary Report
Increment 35 Operations – Stage 35-6
04/25/13 4:00 pm Central Daylight Time (CDT)
115 21:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

New Status:
51 Progress (51P) Docking Status: Following yesterday’s launch, the Progress 51P Kurs-A antenna АСФ2 failed to deploy nominally. All attempts by MCC-M to deploy the antenna have been unsuccessful. MCC-M is working a plan to dock Progress to the SM AFT docking port with the antenna in the stowed configuration, which will be reviewed by the other ISS Partners. At this time, docking is still scheduled for tomorrow at 7:26 am. All other Progress systems are performing nominally.

Robonaut Operations: Flight Engineer (FE)-6 Marshburn conducted a procedures review, set up video in Node 2 and performed the 2nd of this 2-day session of Taskboard and Tele-ops. The goals for today’s activities were orientation and depth familiarization, individual hand grasp and hand-to-hand object transfer and all were completed nominally. The Robonaut Tele-operation System is used to demonstrate the ability to effectively control Robonaut from the ISS. The research objective is to evaluate this control method in terms of its ability to perform tasks as well as measure the time necessary to complete the defined tasks. This capability will need to be developed to support future operations of Robonaut in the EVA environment as well as certain Intravehicular Activity (IVA) situations.

Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Maintenance: Commander (CDR) Hadfield performed this regularly scheduled maintenance today. The activity included ionic and particulate filtration (scrubbing) and biocidal maintenance (iodination) of EMUs 3010 and 3011 and Airlock cooling/water loops.

Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan: Hadfield, acting as Crew Medical Officer (CMO) and with assistance from the ground, set up the equipment and performed a Tonometry exam on FE-3 Cassidy. This exam is part of nominal medical testing on ISS crewmembers and is performed as part of a suite of eye exams this week, including Ultrasound yesterday and Panoptic Friday to gather information on intraocular pressure and eye anatomy.

eValuatIon And monitoring of microBiofiLms insidE (VIABLE) Experiment: Cassidy performed Onboard Training (OBT) earlier this morning and is currently conducting the once monthly session of this experiment. The potential application of novel methodologies and products to treat space materials may lead to improvement in the environmental quality of manned confined habitats on space and also specific bases and modules on earth where humans have to stay long-term, particularly for scientific purposes.

Clean Bench (CB) Preparation for Mechanisms of Gravity Resistance in Plants – From Signal Transformation and Transduction to Response (Resist Tubule): Yesterday Cassidy verified CB modes and functions including open/close loop mode, operation chamber lamp on/off and UV sterilization mode. Today he set parameters for microscope observation and observed a sample image after which he removed experiment equipment from the CB and configured the CB to the stow position. These activities are in preparation for the Resist Tubule experiment arriving on H-2 Transfer Vehicle (HTV)-4.

Potential Conjunction: Ground teams are tracking a possible conjunction with Object 30917 (debris from a Chinese satellite). The Time of Closest Approach (TCA) is Sunday, April 28 at 8:01 am CDT.

Previous Status (04/24/13)
51 Progress (51P) Launch: 51P launched at 5:12 am CDT. Ascent was nominal and the vehicle reached orbital insertion at 5:21 am CDT. All appendages except Kurs-A antenna АСФ2 were deployed. Telemetry shows the АСФ2 antenna remains in its fully stowed position. The Russians are troubleshooting in the hopes of deploying the antenna. A decision from the Russians as to whether or not to attempt docking on Friday is expected tomorrow. Apart from the Kurs antenna, all Progress systems are performing nominally.

Onboard Training (OBT) Emergency Simulation: Ground teams and all 6 crewmembers participated in this OBT with the crew using the onboard simulator and practiced steps required in the event of a fire onboard. Following this activity the crew conducted a review of results. The goal is to make communication between ground and crew as realistic as possible during these events.

Robonaut Operations: Marshburn reviewed a video, set up the Node 2 camcorder and deployed and attached the Taskboard in preparation for the start of a 2nd 2-day session of Taskboard and Tele-ops later today. The Robonaut Tele-operation System is used to demonstrate the ability to effectively control Robonaut from the ISS. The research objective is to evaluate this control method in terms of its ability to perform tasks as well as measure the time necessary to complete the defined tasks. This capability will need to be developed to support future operations of Robonaut in the EVA environment as well as certain Intravehicular Activity (IVA) situations. Marshburn will conduct another TeleOps session tomorrow.

Binary Colloidal Alloy Test (BCAT)-3: Cassidy finished Sample 4, mixed Sample 5 and took test photos this morning. The Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle School (EarthKAM) software will now take photos automatically for 7 days starting today, once per hour for 3 days, then once every 2 hours for the last 4 days. The BCAT-C1 experiment studies nano-scale particles dispersed in liquid, known as a colloidal suspension, commonly found in such commercial commodities as paint, electronic polishing compounds and food products. These suspensions will have the unique property that the particles will phase separate (like oil and water) and the particles will self-assemble into crystals that interact strongly with light (like opal). Photographing these samples in microgravity allow the measurement of these processes while avoiding the effects of particle sinking due to gravity. This study will allow the development of new insights into this important material process.

Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan: Hadfield, acting as Crew Medical Officer (CMO), set up the equipment and performed an eye ultrasound exam on Cassidy. This exam is part of nominal medical testing on ISS crewmembers and will be performed as a suite of eye exams this week, including Tonometry tomorrow and Panoptic Friday to gather information on intraocular pressure and eye anatomy.

Thermolab Instrumentation for Circadian Rhythms: Hadfield attached Thermolab sensors and mounted and powered on the Thermolab unit in the belt which he will wear for the next 36 hours. Circadian Rhythms objective is to get a better understanding of alterations in circadian rhythms in humans during long-term space flights. Such knowledge will not only provide important insights into the adaptations of the human autonomic nervous system in space over time, but also has significant practical implications by helping to improve physical exercise, rest and work shifts as well as fostering adequate workplace illumination in the sense of occupational healthcare in future space missions.

Today’s Planned Tasks
• PROK – Urine Spot Test [Complete]
• Reboot Laptop RS2(1) [Complete]
• REACTION -Self-Test [Complete]
• RSS1, RSS2 Reboot / r/g 1009 step 1 [Complete]
• SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]
• BCAT – Camera Battery Changeout [Complete]
• EKAM Battery Swap [Complete]
• VIRU. Battery Charge (terminate) r/g 1845 [Complete]
• Clean Bench (CB) Microscope Checkout [Complete]
• Post-EVA SM ПхО and DC1 reconfig to nominal r/g 1987 [Complete]
• Pressurization of Elektron-VM Liquid Unit before Activation r/g 2160 [Complete]
• ROBONAUT – Experiment Procedure Review [Complete]
• CDA screen inspection in Columbus [Complete]
• Orthostatic Stability Evaluation with LBNP. Tagup with specialists (S-band) r/g 2178 [Complete]
• ROBONAUT – Camcorder Setup [Complete]
• AQM Network Reconnect [Complete]
• ROBONAUT – Teleoperations [Complete]
• Initiate EMU Cooling Loop Scrub Part 1 [Complete]
• Clean Bench (CB) Ventilation [Complete]
• VIRU. Installation of Relaksatsiya P/L and Parameter adjustment r/g 2175 [Complete]
• Hardware Setup for PAO (Ku-band) / r/g 2176, 2183 [Complete]
• Crew Prep for PAO / r/g 2184 [Complete]
• ROBO – Assistance [Complete]
• TV PAO with Federal Tax Service and Sberbank Representatives r/g 2184, 2176, 2183 [Complete]
• Post-EVA Tool Re-stow, IMS Ops / r/g 2157 [Complete]
• VIRU. Installation of Relaksatsiya P/L and Parameter adjustment r/g 2175 [Complete]
• VIRU. Earth observations / r/g 2175 [Complete]
• Clean Bench (CB) Stow [Complete]
• Post-EVA Orlan-MK Spacesuit Equipment Stowage / r/g 2142
• VIRU. Fill out and Downlink VIRU Log Sheet / r/g 2175 [Complete]
• Health Maintenance System (HMS) Tonometry Test Setup [Complete]
• HMS – Tonometry Test – Subject [Complete]
• HMS – Tonometry Test – CMO [Complete]
• Tonometry Equipment stow [Complete]
• Initiate EMU Cooling Loop Scrub Part 2 [Complete]
• Robonaut Hardware Disassembly
• PROK – Diet Log (Day 1) [Complete]
• EKAM Battery Swap [Complete]
• СОЖ Maintenance
• Crew VIABLE OBT [Complete]
• ISS – HAM Radio Session [Complete]
• ТКГ 418 (DC1) Rodnik Water Tank 1 Bladder Compression r/g 2177
• BIF Cryogem-03 Setup for the Experiment. r/g 2166
• Robonaut Taskboard Stow
• Ham Radio Deactivation [Complete]
• Crew Prep for PAO [Complete]
• BCAT3 Camera Checkout [Complete]
• PAO Hardware Setup [Complete]
• Conference on specifics of ТКГ 419 (АО) Docking r/g 2169 [Complete]
• PAO Event [Complete]
• VIABLE Bag Inspection [Complete]
• CWC Audit [Complete]
• VIABLE. – P/L Photography Inside ISS [Complete]
• Post-EVA SM ПхО and DC1 reconfig to nominal / r/g 1987
• Crew Medical Officer (CMO) Proficiency Training [Complete]
• SM CO measurement using CMS unit r/g 2153
• Initiate EMU Cooling Loop Scrub Part 3 [Complete]
• IMS Update [Complete]
• Post-EVA Equipment Stow [Complete]
• Photography of FGB Interior panels in Hygiene Ops Area r/g 2159 [Complete]
• IV-ТЕРС Transfer [Complete]
• IMS and Stowage Conference [Complete]
• P/TV Playback Start [Complete]
• BCAT – Camera Battery Changeout
• REACTION – Self-test [Complete]
• EKAM Battery Swap [Complete]
• P/TV Playback Stop [Complete]
• REACTION – Self-test
• БВ1 ТКГ 418 (DC1) Bladder Compression r/g 2177 [Complete]

Task List
• CEO ops [Complete]
• RGN WSTA fill
• SSC data gather (FE-6) [Complete]
• SSC data gather (CDR) [Complete]
• WHC KTO replace
• Roscosmos Report
• Data prep on RSS2
• Ekon photo
• 33S US prepack [In Work]
• ACS hatch seal inspect [Complete]
• Data prep return CDR [In Work]
• Data prep return FE4
• Data prep return FE6 [In Work]
• EVA RGB process review [Complete]
• Lab aft port inspect
• Lab aft stbd inspect
• Lab fwd stbd inspect
• N1 fwd port inspect [Complete]
• N1 fwd stbd inspect [Complete]
• N1 stbd fwd inspect [Complete]

• Nominal Commanding [In Work]

Three-Day Look Ahead:
Friday, 4/26: 51P dock, IFM CHT test, ITCS jumper fill, BASS, Space Headaches
Saturday, 4/27: Crew day off
Sunday, 4/28: Crew day off, 51P reboost

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Off until 4/26
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”)
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”)
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA)
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA)

SpaceRef staff editor.