NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 20 August 2008

All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except those noted previously or below.
Before breakfast and exercise, all crewmembers completed a 10-min session with the periodic Russian MedOps test "Hematokrit" (MO-10), which measures the red cell count of the blood, with CDR Volkov acting as CMO (Crew Medical Officer, Russian: Examiner). It was the third session for Volkov & Kononenko, the second for Chamitoff. [The blood samples were drawn from a finger with a perforator lancet, then centrifuged in two microcapillary tubes in the M-1100 kit’s minicentrifuge, and its hematocrit value was read off the tubes with a magnifying glass. It is a well-known phenomenon of space flight that red blood cell count (normal range: 30-45%) tends to go down over time. After the exam, the data were saved in the IFEP software (In-Flight Examination Program) on the MEC (Medical Equipment Computer), and Kononenko stowed the equipment.]
The CDR performed the periodic accuracy check on four RS (Russian Segment) vacuum pressure gauges (MV). [Two in the Service Module (SM), one in the DC1 Docking Compartment, and one in the Soyuz TMA-12 Orbital Compartment (BO).]
After activating the RS2 laptop, Volkov configured the new A31p laptop set up in the US Lab as SM Central Post (CP) Remote Workstation and ran functional tests between it and the Central Post Computer 1 (KTsP1), in “Slave” mode, via the RS1 laptop. [Meanwhile KTsP2, with the RS2 laptop, was online in “Master” mode. Afterwards, KTsP1 was switched back to Master mode and RS2 was shut down.]
In the SM, Kononenko & Volkov readied equipment, cabling and behind-panel space for the upcoming installation of new Zveno-B (Link) hardware and the RSE2 laptop, tagging up with ground specialists via S-band as required.
FE-2 Chamitoff made further preparations for the planned relocation of ER-4 (EXPRESS Rack 4) & ER-5 from the Lab to the Kibo JPM (JEM Pressurized Module), today by relocating
- the Ku-band Forward Transmitter from ER-4 to ER-2 and testing it,
- the CGBA-4 (Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus 4) payload from ER-4 to ER-1, and
- the CGBA-5 payload from ER-4 to ER-2.
Also in preparation for the upcoming US rack installations in Kibo, the FE-2 retrieved ten US grounding straps from the JLP (JEM Logistics Pressurized Section), two for the MELFI (Minus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for the ISS) rack and four each for the ER-4 & ER-5 racks.
Afterwards, Gregory had another 2h 15m for moving cargo from and to the ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle), including ~1h 15m for transferring ESA equipment to the COL (Columbus Orbital Laboratory).
In support of ISS science, Sergey Volkov assembled the geophysical GFI-1 Relaksatsiya ("relaxation") experiment from six GFI-1 hardware kits, reconfigured the Payload Laptop 3 for the experiment and mounted the UV (ultraviolet) camera with SP spectrometer unit at SM window #9. Purpose of the following ~15 min (9:20am – 9:35am EDT) data take was to contribute to a hyperspectral space/time study of images and radiation patterns from the Earth atmosphere and surface from spectra recorded with the UV camera, spectrometer, Laptop 3 and camcorder. Afterwards the equipment was stowed again. [Relaksatsiya normally deals with the study of the chemoluminescent chemical reactions and atmospheric light phenomena (emissions, i.e., molecular relaxation processes), including those that occur during high-velocity interaction between the exhaust products from space vehicles and the atmosphere at orbital altitude and during the entry of space vehicles into the Earth’s upper atmosphere.]
Kononenko completed the TVIS treadmill part of the onboard preventive health maintenance fitness test “Profilaktika” (MBI-8, “Countermeasures”), which he could not perform on 8/5 pending the TVIS repair activities. [Test procedure for MBI-8, which requires workouts on the VELO and TVIS, is identical to the Russian MO-5 assessment, but in addition to the nominal procedure it uses the TEEM-100M gas analyzer with breathing mask, a blood lactate test with the ACCUSPORT analyzer and REFLOTRON-4 accessories, and a subjective evaluation of physical exertion levels during the test (using the Borg Perceived Exertion Scale, viz., 10 steps from very light over hard and very hard to maximum). Results are entered on a log sheet. TEEM and ECG (electrocardiograph) data are transferred to the RSE-Med laptop, also on a tape cassette (Cardiocassette-2000), and prepared for later downlink via Regul-Packet comm. Results are also called down to specialists standing by at TsUP.]
In the FGB module, Volkov worked on the BR-9TsU-8 Radiotelemetry System (RTS), supporting the ground in verifying temperature measurements by two sensors (T97, T98) of the SIT-9L Temperature Measuring System.
Gregory unstowed and set up the PFE-OUM (PFE-Oxygen Uptake Measurement) equipment on the HRF-2 (Human Research Facility 2) rack, including the PFM/PAM (Pulmonary Function Module/Photoacoustic Analyzer Module), Mixing Bag System and GDS (Gas Delivery System), for his and Sergey’s first PFE-OUM protocol session tomorrow. [The PFE-OUM experiment, using the CEVIS ergometer for workout, demonstrates the capability of crewmembers to perform periodic fitness evaluations with continuous oxygen consumption measurements within 14 days after arrival on ISS, and once monthly during routine PFEs. Once the capability of the pulmonary function system (PFS) to perform PFEs is verified, crewmembers will be able to integrate their monthly PFE with oxygen consumption measurements to fulfill the requirement for cardiovascular fitness evaluations during long-duration space flight.]
Starting a new round of preventive maintenance on the RS ventilation system, Oleg Kononenko replaced the four dust collector filters (PF1-4) in the SM.
Oleg also conducted the periodic checkout/verification of IP-1 airflow sensors in the various RS hatchways, including the passageways SM PrK (Transfer Compartment)-ATV, PrK-RO (SM Working Compartment), PkhO (SM Transfer Tunnel)-RO, PkhO-DC1, PkhO-FGB PGO, FGB PGO-FGB GA, FGB GA-Node-1.
The FE-1 took and called down the periodic dosage readings of the Russian “Pille-MKS” (MKS = ISS) radiation dosimetry experiment, which has ten sensors placed at various locations in the RS (DC1, SM starboard & port cabin windows, ASU toilet facility, control panel, etc.). Afterwards, two dosimeters were transferred from inside the ATV (near FE-1 sleep station) to a stowage pouch, and one sensor was relocated in the SM. [Nine of the ten dosimeters are read manually.]
Kononenko also set up the four Pille dosimeters of the Lulin-ISS radiation complex with its ICU (Interface Control Unit, Russian: BUI) turned on for recharging their batteries, preparatory to tomorrow’s activation for data taking.
Oleg took the periodic photographs of the plants growing in the BIO-5 Rasteniya-2 ("Plants-2") Lada-13 greenhouse, using the Nikon D2