Status Report

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 13 October 2009

By SpaceRef Editor
October 13, 2009
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NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 13 October 2009

All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except those noted previously or below.

FE-2 Stott worked several hours in the Kibo JPM (JEM Pressurized Module) with the CBEF (Cell Biology Experiment Facility) SPACE SEED experiment, which today has reached its first major milestone – harvest time for the short-term cultivation plants. [After stopping PEU (Plant Experiment Unit) operation from the ELT (Experiment Laptop, afterwards rebooted) and sampling the air inside the CBEF Micro-G IU (Incubator Unit), Nicole harvested the short-term cultivation seedlings from the sample chambers of the 1G- & Micro-G sections, placed them in fixation/preservation fluids and stowed them in MELFI (Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS) at -95 degC and +2 degC. Background: Plants inside the CBEF PEUs fall in two cultivation classes: short-term (~32 days) and long-term (~63 days), starting shortly after 17A launch. Harvest of the short-term samples was today; the samples were placed in designated KFTs (KSC Fixation Tubes) containing Formaldehyde, Formalin Acetic Acid Ethanol, and Glutaraldehyde Paraformaldehyde, plus two KFTs designated RNALater. Depending on the fixation medium, the tubes were then stored inside MELFI dewars at +2 degC & -95 degC. Long-term cultivation seedlings will be harvested in ~31 days. The KFTs will be returned on Shuttle mission 19A.]

Nicole also worked with FE-4 Thirsk on removing stowage goods from the JLP (JEM Logistics Pressurized Segment) to gain access to a spare urine hose and insert filter, to be used in an IFM (Inflight Maintenance on the WHC (Waste & Hygiene Compartment) scheduled tomorrow. The parts were to be stored temporarily near the WHC. [The replacement of the stowage will be timelined for CDR De Winne.]

FE-1 Suraev started his day with the periodic inspection of the SRV-K2M Condensate Water Processor’s VU sediment trap insert. [The Russian SRV-K2M converts collected condensate into drinking water and dispenses the reclaimed potable water].

Afterwards, Max gathered the hardware & tools for the subsequent installation of a new cargo enclosure in the FGB behind panel 303, using clamps and bungee cords, all delivered on the JAXA HTV1 (H-IIB Transfer Vehicle). CDR De Winne assisted with the unpacking and trashing of packing materials.

Suraev, Williams & De Winne completed the standard 2h15m OBT (Onboard Training) drill of ISS Emergency Equipment Readiness, consulting with specialists via S-band. [Covering all station modules including HTV, objectives of the training were to (1) familiarize the new crewmembers with the locations of hardware and positions of valves used in emergencies, (2) performing a survey of each hatch for drag-throughs and reporting the results to TsUP, (3) performing a review of HTV Emergency response key reminders, and (4) practicing crew interactions in emergencies, including discussing crewmember roles plus lessons learned from the previous Emergency OBT drills performed during Increment 20.]

FE-3 Romanenko performed major periodic replacements on the SM (Service Module)’s ASU toilet facility, changing out replaceable parts with new components, such as a sensor unit (A8A-9060), two receptacles (PR & MP), four hoses, a T-connector, an elbow fitting, an indicator, a filter insert (F-V), the pretreat container (E-K) with its hose and the DKiV pretreat & water dispenser. All old parts were discarded as trash. [E-K contains five liters of pre-treat solution, i.e., a mix of H2SO4 (sulfuric acid), CrO3 (chromium oxide, for oxidation and purple color), and H2O (water). The pre-treat liquid is mixed with water in the DKiV dispenser and used for toilet flushing.]

Roman also downloaded the regular data files from the BU (Control Unit) of the running BIO-5 Rasteniya-2 ("Plants-2") experiment in the SM, archiving them on a PCMCIA memory card (a ~5-hr activity), and downlinked pictures of the experiment setup. [Rasteniya-2 researches growth and development of plants under spaceflight conditions in the LADA-16 greenhouse from IBMP (Institute of Bio-Medical Problems, Russian: IMBP), currently planted with Mizuna seeds. Mizuna (Brassica rapa nipposinica) is a tasty variety of Japanese mustard greens, also known as California Peppergrass, eaten as a salad.]

CDR De Winne had ~30min set aside for reviewing procedural material to familiarize himself with the upcoming MSL (Materials Science Laboratory) commissioning activities. [MSL is a major part of the new ESA/NASA MSRR1 (Materials Science Research Rack 1) for multi-user materials research in micro-G.]

FE-5 Williams completed the now regular transfer of pre-treated Russian urine directly from EDV-U container into the Lab UPA (Urine Processor Assembly) for processing, done each morning for about 5 minutes.

Afterwards, Williams performed the periodic WRS (Water Recovery System) sample analysis in the TOCA (Total Organic Carbon Analyzer), after first priming (filling) the TOCA water sample hose. After the approximately 2 hr TOCA analysis, results were transferred to SSC-5 (Station Support Computer 5) via USB drive for downlink, and the data were also logged for calldown.

Jeff also completed the standard changeout of the TOCA’s WWB (Waste Water Bag).

Suraev conducted the routine daily servicing of the SOZh system (Environment Control & Life Support System, ECLSS) in the SM. [Regular daily SOZh maintenance consists, among else, of checking the ASU toilet facilities, replacement of the KTO & KBO solid waste containers and replacement of EDV-SV waste water and EDV-U urine containers.]

After temporarily moving the ALTEA (Anomalous Long Term Effects on Astronauts) dosimeter unit out of the way as required to allow OGA (Oxygen Generator Assembly) maintenance, Bob Thirsk accessed the OGS (Oxygen Generator System) Rack for the monthly performing purging with the HOPA (Hydrogen Sensor ORU Purge Adapter), then reconnected the OGS H2 sensor and closed out after the maintenance.

The FE-3 completed another session with the ocean observations program DZZ-13 “Seiner” to obtain data on color field patterns and current cloud cover conditions over dynamic areas of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. [The experiment uses visual observation, videography (HDV camcorder, PAL mode) and selective photography (NIKON D2X with AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 80-200 mm lens) of color-contrast images and large discontinuities in cloud fields along the flight path, controlled from the RSK-1 laptop. Roman’s photography had to be accompanied by a continuous non-stop video recording of underlying terrain using the HDV camera securely fixed above SM Window #8 precisely in nadir using the LIV adapter.]

Williams & Suraev each had an hour to themselves for general orientation (station familiarization & acclimatization) as is standard daily rule for fresh crewmembers for the first two weeks after starting residence, if they choose to take it.

After the replacement of the broken right dashpot on the ARED (Advanced Resistive Exercise Device) on 10/11, ARED has not yet been declared Go for exercise and remains off limits, as ground specialists are reviewing the ACO (Activation & Checkout) videos taken yesterday. Crewmembers were advised to exercise on another device of their choice during their sessions scheduled for ARED.

The crew completed their regular daily 2.5-hr. physical workout program on the CEVIS cycle ergometer, TVIS treadmill with vibration isolation, and VELO cycle ergometer with bungee cord load trainer.

Frank later transferred the exercise data files to the MEC (Medical Equipment Computer) for downlink.

CDR, FE-1 & FE-3 had their periodic PMCs (Private Medical Conferences), via S- & Ku-band audio/video, Max at ~10:20am, Roman at ~11:10am, Frank at ~11:25am EDT.

At ~2:20pm, Canadian flight engineer Bob Thirsk tagged up with the CSA (Canadian Space Agency) staff at St. Hubert, Quebec. [This conference is scheduled generally once every week, between ISS crewmembers and CSA HQ via S/G2 (Space-to-Ground 2) audio.]

At ~1:03pm, Bob powered up the SM’s amateur radio equipment (Kenwood VHF transceiver with manual frequency selection, headset, & power supply) and at ~1:08pm conducted a ham radio session with students at Boundary Beach Elementary School in Delta, British Columbia, Canada.

At ~10:20am EDT, the six crewmembers participated in a PAO TV event at Oberpfaffenhofen/Germany, commemorating Frank De Winne becoming the first ESA Commander of the ISS. [In attendance at Col-CC (Columbus Control Center) were ESA Director of Human Spaceflight Simonetta Di Pippo, Chairman of the Board of the German Aerospace Center (DFL) Johann-Dietrich Woerner, and European media.]

De Winne was requested by ESA to videorecord three messages in HD format for subsequent downlink for (1) the 20th Anniversary of Spanish El Mundo, (2) the “Cite de l’Espace” in Toulouse, France, and (3) the “Fete de la science”, slated to start on 11/14 in all of France.

No CEO (Crew Earth Observations) photo targets uplinked for today.

ISS Orbit (as of this morning, 8:37am EDT [= epoch])
Mean altitude — 345.0 km
Apogee height – 349.9 km
Perigee height — 340.2 km
Period — 91.44 min.
Inclination (to Equator) — 51.64 deg
Eccentricity — 0.0007213
Solar Beta Angle — -38.1 deg (magnitude decreasing)
Orbits per 24-hr. day — 15.75
Mean altitude loss in the last 24 hours — 179 m
Revolutions since FGB/Zarya launch (Nov. 98) — 62459

Significant Events Ahead (all dates Eastern Time, some changes possible!):
10/14/09 — Progress M-03/35P launch (9:14pm EDT)
10/17/09 — Progress M-03/35P docking (DC-1, ~9:41pm)
10/27/09 — Ares I-X Flight Test
10/29/09 — HTV1 hatch closing
10/30/09 — HTV1 unberthing
11/04/09 — HTV1 reentry (destructive)
11/10/09 — 5R/MRM-2 (Russian Mini Research Module 2) on Soyuz-U
11/12/09 — 5R/MRM-2 docking (SM zenith)
11/12/09 — STS-129/Atlantis/ULF3 launch (ELC1, ELC2)
12/01/09 – Soyuz TMA-15/19S undock
12/21/09 — Soyuz TMA-17/21S launch — O. Kotov/S. Noguchi/T.J. Creamer
12/23/09 — Soyuz TMA-17/21S (FGB nadir)
01/??/10 — Soyuz 20S relocation (from SM aft to MRM-2)
02/03/10 — Progress M-04/36P launch
02/04/10 — STS-130/Endeavour/20A – Node-3 + Cupola
02/05/10 — Progress M-04/36P docking
03/18/10 — STS-131/Discovery/19A – MPLM(P), LMC
04/02/10 — Soyuz TMA-18/22S launch
04/28/10 — Progress 37P launch
05/14/10 — STS-132/Atlantis/ULF4 – ICC-VLD, MRM-1
05/30/10 — Soyuz TMA-19/23S launch
06/30/10 — Progress 38P launch
07/27/10 — Progress 39P launch
07/29/10 — STS-133/Endeavour (ULF5 – ELC4, MPLM) or STS-134/Discovery (ULF6 – ELC3, AMS)
08/31/10 — Progress 40P launch
09/16/10 — STS-133/Endeavour (ULF5 – ELC4, MPLM) or STS-134/Discovery (ULF6 – ELC3, AMS)
09/30/10 — Soyuz TMA-20/24S launch
10/27/10 — Progress 41P launch
11/30/10 — Soyuz TMA-21/25S launch
12/21/10 — ATV2 – Ariane 5 (ESA)
02/09/11 — Progress 42P launch
03/30/11 — Soyuz TMA-22/26S launch
xx/xx/11 — Progress 43P launch
05/30/11 — Soyuz TMA-23/27S launch
12/??/11 — 3R Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) w/ERA – on Proton

SpaceRef staff editor.