Status Report

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 12 November 2008

By SpaceRef Editor
November 12, 2008
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NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 12 November 2008

All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except those noted previously or below.

Major activities for CDR Fincke & FE-2 Chamitoff today were EVA preparations for the ULF-2 spacewalks. Working in the U.S. “Quest” Airlock, Mike & Greg –

  • Terminated the recharging of the REBA (Rechargeable EVA Battery Assemblies), HL (Helmet Light), PGT (Pistol Grip Tool), and EMU (Extravehicular Mobility Unit) batteries in the BSA (Battery Stowage Assembly), most of which will be used for EVA-1,
  • Initiated the second recharge (of two) on the REBA, HL and EMU batteries,
  • Set up EMUs #3018 & #3003 with their SCUs (Service & Cooling Umbilicals) and initiated the standard 1hr scrubbing process on the spacesuits’ cooling water loops, filtering ionic and particulate matter (via a 3-micron filter),
  • Conducted the regular checkout for the two spacesuits, and
  • Terminated the scrubbing, shutting down the suit fans and oxygen (to limit run time), disassembled the EMU water processing kit and stowed the equipment.

Afterwards, Fincke & Chamitoff reviewed uplinked summaries of EVA tasks, EVA systems and DOUG(Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics) files for ULF-2. A 30-min tagup with STS-126 crewmembers on the ground followed for reviewing the EVA tasks.

[Four EVAs are planned during the mission. MS2 (Bowen), MS3 (Piper), & MS4 (Kimbrough) will rotate all EVAs. General EVA tasks are:

  • EVA-1 (FD5) – NTA (Nitrogen Tank Assembly) transfer to Shuttle PLB, FHRC (Flex Hose Rotary Coupler) transfer to ESP-3, EFBM Cover Removal, Stbd SARJ (Solar Array Rotary Joint) Cleaning/TBA (Trundle Bearing Assembly) R&R.
  • EVA-2 (FD7) – CETA Cart Relocation, LEE A Lubrication, Stbd SARJ Cleaning/TBA R&R.
  • EVA-3 (FD9)SARJ cleaning/TBA R&R.
  • EVA-4 (FD11)Port SARJ lubing, EFBM cover install, ETVCG Install, JLP GPS Antenna Install, JEM Handrails/WIFs Install, IR and Digital Imagery of S1/P1 Radiators.]

Fincke completed the routine daily servicing of the SM’s SOZh system (Environment Control & Life Support System, ECLSS). [Regular daily SOZh maintenance consists, among else, of checking the ASU toilet facilities, replacement of the KTO & KBO solid waste containers, replacement of EDV-SV waste water and EDV-U urine containers and performing US condensate processing (transfer from CWC to EDV containers) if condensate is available.]

Mike also conducted the periodic checkout/verification of IP-1 airflow sensors in the various RS hatchways, including the passageways SM PrK (Service Module Transfer Compartment)-RO (SM Working Compartment), PkhO (SM Transfer Tunnel)-RO, PkhO-DC1, PkhO-FGB PGO, FGB PGO-FGB GA, and FGB GA-Node-1.

Lonchakov performed the daily IMS (Inventory Management System) maintenance, updating/editing the standard IMS “delta file” including stowage locations, for the regular weekly automated export/import to its three databases on the ground (Houston, Moscow, Baikonur).

Yuri collected the periodic readings of potentially harmful atmospheric contaminants in the SM, using the CMS (Countermeasure System), a component of the SKDS GANK-4M Real-Time Harmful Contaminant Gas Analyzer suite, today using preprogrammed microchips to measure for o-Xylol (1,2-Dimethylbenzol, C8H10) and Methyl-Mercaptan (Methanethiol, CH4S).

Continuing preparations for Progress M-65/30P undocking on 11/14 (Friday), Lonchakov & Fincke installed the StM Docking Mechanism between Progress and the SM aft end. [StM is the "classic" probe-and-cone type, consisting of an active docking assembly (ASA) with a probe (SSh), which fits into the cone (SK) on the passive docking assembly (PSA) for initial soft dock and subsequent retraction to hard dock. The ASA is mounted on the Progress’ cargo module (GrO), while the PSA sits on the docking ports of the SM, FGB and DC1.]

The FE-1 had another 4 hrs reserved for loading trash and other disposal cargo onto 30P.

In preparation for STS-126/ULF-2 arrival and the MPLM (Multi-Purpose Logistics Module) “Leonardo” berthing with the SSRMS (Space Station Remote Manipulator System), Chamitoff re-installed the CBCS (Centerline Berthing Camera System) at the Node-2 Nadir hatch, remated the camera cable connection and photo-documented the setup. [CBCS had been installed on 10/22 but was temporarily removed on 10/27 to make room for the EarthKAM (EK) payload for a week of student photo ops. Leonardo will be transferred from the Shuttle cargo bay with the SSRMS on FD4 and berthed at the Node-2 Nadir Port CBM (Common Berthing Mechanism), followed immediately by activation and initial crew ingress.]

Gregory broke out and set up the equipment for tomorrow’s scheduled U.S. PHS (Periodic Health Status) w/Blood Labs exam, a clinical evaluation of Chamitoff as subject, with Mike Fincke assisting as CMO (Crew Medical Officer) for the blood sampling part. [Today’s task included an electronic function test and control analysis of the blood lab equipment, viz., the PCBA (Portable Clinical Blood Analyzer), which was then temporarily stowed.]

The FE-2 also had an hour for freeing space and relocating/consolidating cargo stowage to make room in the COL (Columbus Orbital Laboratory), JLP (Japanese Logistics Pressurized Segment), and Node-2 as required, for new racks coming up with ULF-2. Moves were to be logged in the IMS.

Afterwards, Greg worked on more hardware prepacking for return on ULF-2, going by revised uplinked Prepack Lists as reference.

The FE-2 again had a one-hour period to himself for the regular crew departure preparations, working on the standard end-of-increment cleanup preparatory to his return to Earth later this month. [It is usual for crewmembers to be granted reduced workdays for making their departure preparations, as their return date approaches.]

The station residents conducted their regular daily 2.5-hr. physical workout program (about half of which is used for setup & post-exercise personal hygiene) on the CEVIS cycle ergometer (CDR, FE-2), TVIS treadmill (FE-1), RED resistive exercise device (CDR, FE-1, FE-2) and VELO bike with bungee cord load trainer (FE-1).

At ~9:15am EST, Fincke & Chamitoff participated in a live 10-min. PAO interview with The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (Mike Cronin).

At ~5:45pm, Gregory is scheduled for his weekly PFC (Private Family Conference) via S-band/audio and Ku-band/MS-NetMeeting application (which displays the uplinked ground video on an SSC laptop).

New jobs added to the voluntary U.S. “job jar” task list for Fincke & Chamitoff are –

  • the periodic PEP (Fire Detection & Suppression/Portable Emergency Provisions) inspection, and
  • tearing down and testing the Shuttle BOB (Breakout Box) for non-intrusive flow meter operations.

STS-126/ULF-2/Endeavour L-2 Status: The L-2 Day meeting of the MMT (Mission Management Team) this morning gave a "GO" for proceeding with the STS-126 launch countdown. No significant issues are being worked and there will not be an L-1 Day MMT meeting.

L-0 (11/14) Launch Countdown Milestones:

  • Tanking Weather Briefing – 10:00am EST
  • Earliest Tanking Operations – 10:30am
  • MMT on console – 4:30pm
  • Launch Window Opens – 7:50pm
  • In-Plane Launch Time – 7:55pm
  • Launch Window Closes – 8:00pm.

Launch Weather Forecast:

  • Probability of KSC Weather Prohibiting Launch: 40%
  • Probability of KSC Weather Prohibiting Tanking: 0%
  • Primary Concerns: Showers within 20 NM of the SLF (Shuttle Landing Facility), cumulus clouds

STS-126 Mission Highlights: STS-126/ULF-2/Endeavour, the 124th Shuttle mission (the 27th to the station), will be crewed by CDR Chris Ferguson, PLT Eric Boe, MS1 Donald Pettit, MS2/EV2 Steve Bowen, MS3/EV1 Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, MS4/EV3 Shane Kimbrough, and MS5/ Exp-18 FE-2 Sandra Magnus.

  • ISS wake/sleep cycle will be shifted from 1:00am EST to 4:30am on FD2, then to 9:30am on FD3. The early undock time (10:32am) drives crew wakeup 2.5 hrs earlier, to 7:00am by FD14. The shift is completed by moving crew sleep 30 min earlier on FD4, and then one hour earlier each day on FD12 and 13.
  • MPLM “Leonardo” will be installed on Node-2 on FD4; ingress same day just before Presleep. MPLM transfers start FD5 with four racks, followed on FD6 by 8 racks, including the Galley (ER6).
  • Focused Orbiter inspection is nominally planned for FD6. However, since the installed MPLM will obstruct a small area on the lower starboard wing for Focused inspection, MPLM berthing could be delayed to FD5 if the Debris Assessment Team, in reviewing the RPM imagery on the evening of FD3, identifies an area of concern associated with the starboard wing. Late inspection will be completed in its entirety after the Shuttle undocks on FD14. Endeavour will be undocking with the OBSS (Orbiter Boom Sensor System) on the SRMS (Shuttle Remote Manipulator System) in preparation for that inspection.
  • Generic face-to-face handover time between Chamitoff & Magnus will be 12 hrs max; Gregory will remain on the ISS until the day before undocking and will be scheduled as an ISS crewmember.
  • Endeavour will be powered by the SSPTS (Station-Shuttle Power Transfer System) from post-docking to just before undocking. During the mated mission when ISS solar arrays are feathered for attitude maneuvers and EVA operations, SSPTS may be powered off to maintain station power margin.
  • 30 hrs are required for transfer ops to/from the Shuttle middeck and 105 hours for MPLM. With all the timelined activities and rack transfers scheduled, ULF2 will be a highly choreographed transfer mission. The Shuttle crew has been thoroughly trained on the details of the choreography. In addition, each day a transfer message will be uplinked, listing specific items that need to be transferred that day due to operations requiring the items.

No CEO photo targets uplinked for today (due to yesterday’s holiday).

CEO photography can be studied at this “Gateway” website: (as of 9/1/08, this database contained 770,668 views of the Earth from space, with 324,812 from the ISS alone).

ISS Orbit (as of this morning, 7:47am EST [= epoch]):

Mean altitude — 351.5 km

Apogee height — 354.1 km

Perigee height — 349.0 km

Period — 91.57 min.

Inclination (to Equator) — 51.64 deg

Eccentricity — 0.0003768

Solar Beta Angle — 30.8 deg (magnitude increasing)

Orbits per 24-hr. day — 15.72

Mean altitude loss in the last 48 hours — 60 m

Revolutions since FGB/Zarya launch (Nov. 98) — 57187

Significant Events Ahead (all dates Eastern Time, some changes possible.):

11/14/08 — STS-126/Endeavour/ULF-2 launch – MPLM Leonardo, LMC, PSSC; (7:55:34pm EST)

11/14/08 — Progress M-65/30P undocking

11/16/08 — STS-126/Endeavour/ULF-2 docking; ~5:13pm

11/20/08 — ISS 10 Years

11/26/08 — Progress M-66/31P launch (nom.)

11/27/08 — STS-126/Endeavour/ULF-2 undocking; 10:40am

11/29/08 — STS-126/Endeavour/ULF-2 landing; ~2:10pm

11/30/08 — Progress M-66/31P docking (nom.) – DC1 Nadir

12/18/08 — Russian EVA-21

02/09/09 — Progress M-66/31P undocking & deorbit

02/10/09 — Progress M-67/32P launch

02/12/09 — Progress M-67/32P docking

02/12/09 — STS-119/Discovery/15A launch – S6 truss segment

02/14/09 — STS-119/Discovery/15A docking

02/24/09 — STS-119/Discovery/15A undocking

02/26/09 — STS-119/Discovery/15A landing (nominal)

03/25/09 — Soyuz TMA-14/18S launch

03/27/09 — Soyuz TMA-14/18S docking (DC1)

04/05/09 — Soyuz TMA-13/17S undocking

04/07/09 — Progress M-67/32P undocking & deorbit

05/15/09 — STS-127/Endeavour/2J/A launch – JEM EF, ELM-ES, ICC-VLD

05/27/09 — Soyuz TMA-15/19S launch

Six-person crew on ISS

07/30/09 — STS-128/Atlantis/17A – MPLM (P), last crew rotation

10/15/09 — STS-129/Discovery/ULF3 – ELC1, ELC2

12/10/09 — STS-130/Endeavour/20A – Node-3 + Cupola

02/11/10 — STS-131/Atlantis/19A – MPLM(P)

04/08/10 — STS-132/Discovery/ULF4 – ICC-VLD, MRM1 (contingency)

SpaceRef staff editor.