Status Report

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 09 October 2012

By SpaceRef Editor
October 9, 2012
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NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 09 October 2012
NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 09 October 2012

ISS On-Orbit Status 10/09/12

All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except those noted previously or below.

After wakeup, FE-4 Malenchenko performed the routine inspection of the SM (Service Module) PSS Caution & Warning panel as part of regular Daily Morning Inspection.

Yuri also completed the periodic (daily) reboot of the Russian RSS1 & RSS2 laptops.

FE-6 Hoshide started the day with another post-sleep session of the Reaction Self-Test (Psychomotor Vigilance Self-Test on the ISS) protocol, his 29th. [RST is done twice daily (after wakeup & before bedtime) for 3 days prior to the sleep shift, the day(s) of the sleep shift and 5 days following a sleep shift. The experiment consists of a 5-minute reaction time task that allows crewmembers to monitor the daily effects of fatigue on performance while on ISS. The experiment provides objective feedback on neurobehavioral changes in attention, psychomotor speed, state stability, and impulsivity while on ISS missions, particularly as they relate to changes in circadian rhythms, sleep restrictions, and extended work shifts.]

Akihiko also continued his current extended session of the ESA ENERGY experiment. [Collection of a water sample from the PWD (Potable Water Dispenser) in the Lab and urine sampling (on 2nd void of the day) and empty bladder activities are continuing, as is adherence to the special ENERGY breakfast plus logging all ISS food & drinks consumed during ENERGY experiment performance from lunch and dinner on Day 1 until breakfast on Day 10. Akihiko wears an armband monitor, positioned on the right triceps where it started automatically on skin contact. The instrument must be worn for the entire 10-day ENERGY measurement period and removed only during showers or if needed during blood draws. Activities without the armband monitor on the triceps must be carefully logged. The monitor will be removed at the end of the 10-day period, then data will be downloaded from the device. Background: The observed loss of astronauts’ body mass during space flight is partly due to the systematic ongoing negative energy balance in micro-G, in addition to disuse. Unfortunately, the reason for such unbalanced match between intake and output is not clear, but appealing data suggest a relation between the degree of energy deficit and the exercise level prescribed as a countermeasure. In the ENERGY experiment, astronauts are invited to participate in a study that aimed to evaluate how much food is needed for astronauts during long-term space missions. To do so, the science team will measure every component or variable of the astronaut’s energy expenditure reflecting his energy needs. Those variables will be measured twice: up to 4 months before flight and after at least 3 months in space but 3 weeks before landing. The changes in the astronaut’s energy balance and expenditure will be measured, which will help in deriving an equation for energy requirements in weightlessness. This will contribute to planning adequate, but not excessive cargo supplies for food. Purpose of the ENERGY experiment is (1) to measure changes in energy balance during long term space flight, (2) to measure adaptations in the components of the Total Energy Expenditure TEE (consumption), and (3) to derive an equation for the energy requirements of astronauts. TEE is the sum of resting metabolic rate (RMR, measured), diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT, measured oxygen-uptake minus RMR) and activity-related energy expenditure (AEE, calculated).]

CDR Williams started the approximately weekly WRS (Water Recovery System) analysis of WPA (Water Processor Assembly) samples using the TOCA (Total Organic Carbon Analyzer), after first initializing the software and priming (filling) the TOCA water sample hose. FE-6 Hoshide later transferred the results of the analysis to an SSC (Station Support Computer) laptop via USB drive for downlink, and also logged the data.

Later, Sunita conducted periodic service on the WRS (Water Recovery System) by –
• Rerouting condensate collection from the WPA (Water Processor Assembly) to the tank at Lab D5 due to WPA failure,
• Working on a CWC-I (Contingency Water Container-Iodinated) to “degas” it, i.e. to remove any free air bubbles that may have been ingested since its last use; [the traditional procedure for “degassing” the container (by first draining, then refilling it with a fully charged water CWC) was replaced in 2004 by a rather ingenious new procedure developed and checked out on the KC-135 aircraft flying zero-G parabolas at JSC/Houston: Essentially, it involves the crewmember himself centrifuging the selected container by holding it away from the body and applying a slow rotation of ~15 rpm to himself, to separate air and water in the bag through centrifugal force, while simultaneously squeezing out the air by cinching down on bungee cords wrapped around the CWC], and
• Using the pumping equipment to transfer the water from the just degassed CWC-I to the WPA Potable Water tank via “tee” hose and a freshly installed MRF (Microbial Removal Filter) cartridge as gas trap.

Afterwards, Sunita gathered VOK (Vestibule Outfitting Kit) hardware from behind the D4-01 closeout panel in Node-2 which she then replaced. The VOK items will be required for SpaceX-1 vestibule outfitting after its berthing at Node-2 on 10/10 and subsequent crew ingress.

FE-4 Yuri Malenchenko undertook his 3rd MBI-24 “SPRUT-2” (“Squid-2”) tests, part of Russian medical research on the distribution and behavior of human body fluids in zero gravity, preceded by PZEh-MO-8 BMM (body mass measurement) using the IM device. [Supported by the RSS-Med A31p laptop with new software (Vers. 1.6) in the SM, the test uses the Profilaktika kit, with data recorded on PCMCIA memory cards, along with Yuri’s body mass values and earlier recorded MO-10 Hematocrit value, but skipping “fat fold” measurements. Experiment requisites are the Sprut securing harness, skin electrodes (cuffs), and RSS-Med for control and data storage. The “Pinguin” suit or Braslet-M cuffs, if worn, have to be taken off first. Electrode measurements are recorded at complete rest and relaxed body position. The actual recording takes 3-5 minutes, during which the patient has to remain at complete rest.]

With STTS communications configured for work in MRM2 (Mini Research Module 2), Malenchenko conducted an active session for the Russian experiment KPT-10 “Kulonovskiy Kristall” (Coulomb Crystal), followed by downlinking the video footage obtained with a SONY HVR-Z1J camcorder via RSPI (Data Transmission Radio Link). [KPT-10 studies dynamic and structural characteristics of the Coulomb systems formed by charged dispersed diamagnetic macroparticles in the magnetic trap, investigating the following processes onboard the ISS RS: condensed dust media, Coulomb crystals, and formation of Coulomb liquids due to charged macroparticles. Coulomb systems are structures following Coulomb’s Law, a law of physics describing the electrostatic interaction between electrically charged particles. It was essential to the development of the theory of electromagnetism.]

In the Lab, CDR Williams conducted NanoRacks OCBT (Onboard Computer Based Training) by reviewing procedural materials for accessing NanoRacks platforms, reconfiguration of modules, and operation of the NanoRacks Microscope-1 and Microscope-2.

Hoshide meanwhile performed the JAXA MICB (MICROBE-3) experiment in the Kibo lab by starting the ASD (Air Sampling Device) and particle counter attached on the bottom of the Kobairo Rack GHF (Gradient Heating Furnace), inserting the samples with the air filter from the ASD in a Ziploc bag in MELFI-4 (Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS 4), Dewar 4, at 2 degC, and later repeating the data take. [The ASD is part of the NASA/JSC SWAB (Surface, Water and Air Biocharacterization) experiment equipment.]

Yuri completed the routine verification of yesterday’s automated refreshes of the IUS AntiVirus program on all Russian VKS auxiliary network laptops RSS1, RSS2, RSK1-T61p & RSK2. [Antivirus update procedures have changed since the SSCV4 software update some time ago. Before the installation on 8/8/11 of the new automated procedure, the refresh was done manually on Mondays on RSS2, copying the files to the RSS2 service folder, then launching update scripts on the network laptops RSS1, RSK1-T61p & RSK2 and finally manually updating non-network laptops RSE-Med & RSE1. On Tuesdays, the anti-virus scanning results are regularly verified on all laptops. Nominally, Russian network laptops have software installed for automatic anti-virus update; fresh data is copied on RSK1-T61p & RSK2 every time a computer is rebooted with a special login, and on RSS1 once daily. On Russian non-network laptops antivirus definition file update is done by the crew once every two weeks on Monday],

Afterwards, FE-4 performed the routine daily servicing of the SOZh system (Environment Control & Life Support System, ECLSS) in the SM. [Regular daily SOZh maintenance consists, among else, of checking the ASU toilet facilities, replacement of the KTO & KBO solid waste containers, replacement of EDV-SV waste water and EDV-U urine containers and filling EDV-SV, KOV (for Elektron), EDV-ZV & EDV on RP flow regulator.]

Malenchenko also conducted the periodic checkout & performance verification of IP-1 airflow sensors in the various RS hatchways. [Inspected IP-1s are in the passageways PrK (SM Transfer Tunnel)-RO (SM Working Compartment), PkhO (SM Transfer Compartment)-RO, PkhO-DC1, PkhO-FGB PGO, PkhO-MRM2, FGB GA-MRM1, FGB PGO-FGB GA, and FGB GA-Node-1.]

Williams serviced the MERLIN-2 (Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator) freezer by removing its two desiccant packs and installing two fresh ones.

For tomorrow’s scheduled arrival of the SpaceX-1 Dragon cargo capsule, Suni Williams & Aki Hoshide continued preparations, today both –
• Conducting a review of start-up procedures of the computer-based DOUG (Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics) application for their SSRMS (Space Station Remote Manipulator System) capture & berthing activities,
• Running a training session of Dragon rendezvous & capture procedures with the ROBoT trainer (Part 4),
• Reviewing cargo transfer operations,
• Familiarizing themselves with Dragon flight observation details and then
• Discussing Dragon cargo transfer details with ground specialists in a teleconference at ~2:25pm EDT.

Also in preparation for the SSRMS activities, the CDR turned off and relocated a deployed PCS (Portable Computer System) laptop from Node-3 to the Cupola and connected it to the CUP RWS (Robotic Workstation), while FE-6 later made the necessary Lab & CUP RWS DCP (Display & Control Panel) bypass cable connections to UOPs (Utility Outlet Panels).

The CDR closed the window shutters of the Lab, Node-3/Cupola and Kibo JPM (JEM Pressurized Module) to protect them during the SARJ (Solar Alpha Rotary Joints) feathering of the solar arrays for the Dragon rendezvous.

After the recent urine transfers to the Progress 48P tankage, Yuri performed routine maintenance on the BV2 tank of the 48P Rodnik system by flushing the BV2 line with disinfectant solution.

Malenchenko continue the current round of RS (Russian Segment) ventilation system maintenance, working in the MRM1 Rassvet module to replace the SKPF 1 & SKPF2 dust filters with new units and to clean Group B fan grilles.

At ~4:15am EDT, FE-6 held the weekly JAXA crew conference via phone with staff at SSIPC (Space Station Integration & Promotion Center) at Tsukuba, Japan.

Hoshide also performed the periodic maintenance of the ARED advanced resistive exercise machine of evacuating its cylinder flywheels to re-establish proper vacuum condition & sensor calibration.

At ~5:50am, Sunita powered up the SM’s amateur radio equipment (Kenwood VHF transceiver with manual frequency selection, headset, & power supply) and at 5:55am conducted a ham radio session with students at Liceo Statale Adelaide Cairoli, Pavia, Italy.

The crew worked out on the CEVIS cycle ergometer with vibration isolation (CDR, FE-6), TVIS treadmill with vibration isolation & stabilization (FE-4), ARED advanced resistive exercise device (CDR, FE-6), and VELO ergometer bike with load trainer (FE-4). [CDR & FE-6 are on the special experimental SPRINT protocol which diverts from the regular 2.5 hrs per day exercise regime and introduces special daily sessions involving resistive and aerobic (interval & continuous) exercise, followed by a USND (Ultrasound) leg muscle self scan in COL. No exercise is being timelined for Suni on Friday, for Aki on Thursday. If any day is not completed, Suni & Aki pick up where they left off, i.e., they would be finishing out the week with the last day of exercise on her off day. Suni’s protocol for today showed ARED/CEVIS (cont.), with T2 (int., 4 min.) and ARED/CEVIS (cont.) for the next 2 days. Aki’s protocol for today showed ARED/CEVIS (cont.), with T2 (cont.) and ARED (cont.) on the following 2 days.]

At ~10:40am EDT, FE-4 had his regular weekly PMC (Private Medical Conference), via S- & Ku-band audio/video.

Before Presleep (~3:35pm), the CDR powered up the MPC (Multi-Protocol Converter) and started the Ku-band data flow of video recorded during the day to the ground, with POIC (Payload Operations & Integration Center) routing the onboard HRDL (High-Rate Data Link). After about an hour, Suni turned MPC routing off again. [This is a routine operation which regularly transmits HD onboard video (live or tape playback) to the ground on a daily basis before sleeptime.]

Significant Events Ahead (all dates Eastern Time and subject to change):
————– Inc-33: Three-crew operations ————-
10/10/12 — SpaceX-1 docking — (~7:22am EDT)
10/23/12 — Soyuz TMA-06M/32S launch – K.Ford (CDR-34)/O.Novitsky/E.Tarelkin (6:51am EDT)
10/25/12 — Soyuz TMA-06M/32S docking – (~8:40am EDT)
————– Inc-33: Six-crew operations ————-
10/31/12 — Progress M-17M/49P launch
10/31/12 — Progress M-17M/49P docking
11/12/12 — Soyuz TMA-05M/31S undock/landing (End of Increment 33)
————– Inc-34: Three-crew operations ————-
12/05/12 — Soyuz TMA-07M/33S launch – C.Hadfield (CDR-35)/T.Mashburn/R.Romanenko
12/07/12 — Soyuz TMA-07M/33S docking
————– Inc-34: Six-crew operations ————-
02/11/13 — Progress M-16M/48P undocking
02/12/13 — Progress M-18M/50P launch
02/14/13 — Progress M-18M/50P docking
03/15/13 — Soyuz TMA-06M/32S undock/landing (End of Increment 34)
————– Inc-35: Three-crew operations ————-
04/02/13 — Soyuz TMA-08M/34S launch – P.Vinogradov (CDR-36)/C.Cassidy/A.Misurkin
04/04/13 — Soyuz TMA-08M/34S docking
04/23/13 — Progress M-18M/50P undock/landing
————– Inc-35: Six-crew operations ————-
05/16/13 — Soyuz TMA-07M/33S undock/landing (End of Increment 35)
————– Inc-36: Three-crew operations ————-
05/29/13 — Soyuz TMA-09M/35S launch – M.Suraev (CDR-37)/K.Nyberg/L.Parmitano
05/31/13 — Soyuz TMA-09M/35S docking
————– Inc-36: Six-crew operations ————-
09/xx/13 — Soyuz TMA-08M/34S undock/landing (End of Increment 36)
————– Inc-37: Three-crew operations ————-
09/xx/13 — Soyuz TMA-10M/36S launch – M.Hopkins/TBD (CDR-38)/TBD
09/xx/13 — Soyuz TMA-10M/36S docking
————– Inc-37: Six-crew operations ————-
11/xx/13 — Soyuz TMA-09M/35S undock/landing (End of Increment 37)
————– Inc-38: Three-crew operations ————-
11/xx/13 — Soyuz TMA-11M/37S launch – K.Wakata (CDR-39)/R.Mastracchio/TBD
11/xx/13 — Soyuz TMA-11M/37S docking
————– Inc-38: Six-crew operations ————-
03/xx/14 — Soyuz TMA-10M/36S undock/landing (End of Increment 38)
————– Inc-39: Three-crew operations ————-

SpaceRef staff editor.