Status Report

NASA ISS On-orbit Status 03 April 2013

By SpaceRef Editor
April 3, 2013
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NASA ISS On-orbit Status 03 April 2013
NASA ISS Daily Status Report 03 April 2013

International Space Station (ISS) Management Center (IMC) Daily Summary Report
Increment 35 Operations – Stage 35-6
04/03/13 4:00 pm Central Daylight Time (CDT)
093/21:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

New Status:
High-Rate Communications System (HRCS) KU Communications Unit 2 Installation/Checkout (Day 2): Commander (CDR) Chris Hadfield and Flight Engineer (FE)-6 Tom Marshburn rotated the Lab 1S6 rack and wrapped up connections in Video Switch Unit (VSU) 3 in the aft endcone. Following this activity the actual transition from legacy Ku-band to Ku-Comm Unit 2 occurred when Ground teams executed a procedure to transition from the current Orbital Communications Adapter (OCA) router to the Ku Comm Unit 2. The Ku-band system was then shut down and Hadfield connected video and coax cables. With these activities completed, the following tasks were accomplished:

• Successful activation of Ku 300 Mbps return link/25 Mbps forward link
• Successful activation of Ku Comm Unit Extended Telemetry and display on ground
• Successful activation and voice check on new Space to Ground (S/G)3 and S/G4 channels
• Successful checkout of Joint Station LAN (JSL) file transfers
• Successful activation and checkout of 6 downlink video channels.

Payload Operations Integration Center (POIC) cannot receive Ku Payload Telemetry on the ground due to a possible interface issue between the Automated Payload Switch (APS) and Ku Comm Unit. Ground teams are assessing the problem.

Onboard Training (OBT) ISS Emergency Hardware Familiarization: Hadfield, FE-1 Vinogradov, FE-2 Misurkin and FE-3 Cassidy participated in this training to familiarize new crewmembers with the locations of equipment and valve positions used in emergencies. Crew interaction during an emergency was also covered with Ground specialists standing by for questions. During the last 10 minutes of the activity the crew debriefed Mission Control Center (MCC)-Houston and MCC-Moscow with results.

NanoRacks Onboard Computer Based Training (OCBT): Marshburn reviewed materials for accessing NanoRacks platforms, reconfiguration of modules, and operation of the NanoRacks Microscope-1 and Microsocpe-2. He then installed NanoRacks Modules-20, 21 & 22 into the NanoRacks Platform which provides power and data transfer capabilities for the Modules containing student-developed experiments from various schools. After the experiments are run, the Modules will be returned to the students on the next Soyuz.

ENERGY Experiment: Marshburn completed day 8 of this 10-day session. A loss in astronauts’ body mass is a systematic observation during space flight. The aim of ENERGY is to measure changes in energy balance during long term space flight; measure adaptations in the components of the Total Energy Expenditure (consumption); and to derive an equation for the energy requirements of astronauts.

Robonaut Teleops Hardware Installation: FE-3 Cassidy retrieved and installed the Robonaut Teleops hardware in the EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS) Rack. The installation is in preparation for Robonaut operations scheduled to start next week.

Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Mesh Cover-Return Grill Cleaning: Cassidy removed the return grill mesh cover and cleaned the inside of return grilles in JEM Pressurized Module (JPM) and Japanese Experiment Logistics Module-Pressurized Section (JLP).

Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) Status: Following the Fluids Control Pump Assembly (FCPA) remove and replace on Monday, the UPA purge pump has been unable to draw down the Distillation Assembly (DA) pressure, indicating a possible disconnected or kinked hose. Today the crew inspected the DA hoses from the front of the rack with an inspection mirror but observed nothing off nominal. Ground teams are reviewing photos and video from that inspection. Troubleshooting steps are in work and may include cycling the purge pump Quick Disconnects (QDs) and pulling the FCPA shelf out to gain access for further hose inspections.

Previous Status (04/02/13)
High-Rate Communications System (HRCS) Ku-band Communications Unit (Ku Comm Unit) Installation/Checkout: The Ku-band is a frequency used primarily for satellite communications, and specifically for ISS communications. Some of the ISS original Ku-band system subcomponents are being replaced to increase data processing volume and speed. Over the next two weeks the crew will replace the current High Rate Frame Multiplexer (HRFM) and Video Baseband Signal Processor (VBSP) located in Avionics (AVN) Rack 3 with two new Ku-Comm units. Activities have been broken out on multiple days over the next 2 weeks.

Today Commander (CDR) Chris Hadfield and Flight Engineer (FE)-6 Tom Marshburn removed the VBSP and replaced it with a new Ku Comm Unit (unit 2) and its associated 1553 data and Ethernet cabling. During installation the crew was not able to fully install all of the pressure bolts due to high running torque, but the unit is installed and successfully integrated into the ethernet system. The bolts are needed to provide sufficient contact force between the Ku comm unit and the coldplate to provide adequate cooling. The temperature data will be monitored overnight for assessment. After Ku Comm Unit-2 is successfully checked out, Ku Comm Unit-1 will also be installed.

The HRCS Ku Comm Unit upgrades will:

• increase Ku-band downlink bandwidth from 150 Mbps to 300 Mbps;
• increase Ku-band uplink bandwidth from 3 Mbps to 25 Mbps;
• add Space to Ground (S/G) 3 and S/G 4 voice channels;
• increase downlink standard definition video channels from 4 to 6;
• replace the Video Tape Recorders (VTRs) with solid state video recording for standard definition;
• replace Orbital Communications Adapter (OCA);
• add the ability to command US core systems through Ku-band if S-band fails.

General Laboratory Active Cryogenic ISS Experiment Refrigerator (GLACIER) Hardware Install: Cassidy installed a GLACIER in EXPRESS Rack 2 and powered up the unit for checkout. This unit will serve as a back-up for the GLACIER already in use.

EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS)-1 (ER1) Laptop Computer (ELC) Software Load: Cassidy loaded software version 9.0 on this laptop and configured and loaded the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS). After the basic setup was complete, he also configured the Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator II (MERLIN) and Serial Network Flow Monitor (SNFM) applications. This task is a result of Hadfield’s troubleshooting activities and replacement of the hard drive and T61p shell swap last Wednesday.

ENERGY Experiment: Marshburn completed day 7 of this 10-day session. A loss in astronauts’ body mass is a systematic observation during space flight. The aim of ENERGY is to measure changes in energy balance during long term space flight; measure adaptations in the components of the Total Energy Expenditure (consumption); and to derive an equation for the energy requirements of astronauts.

Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Fluids Control and Pump Assembly (FCPA) Status: Engineering teams met today and reviewed the data from the valve motor/valve characterization test. All the currents stayed well below 1amp and valve movements were under 3 seconds. It was also discovered that the Depress Assembly (DA) is not pumping down. Review of the pump down data from all the parts of the system reveals that the purge motor appears to be functioning properly, but the DA appears to be isolated. This can be caused by either a Quick Disconnect (QD) being disconnected or a hose that is kinked. They recommend continued use of the FCPA with the current performance and the current Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) overrides in place. The team will continue to monitor the data in hopes of returning to nominal FDIR limits as the system permits.

Today’s Planned Tasks
• Reaction Self Test [Complete]
• KHROMATOMASS. Experiment Setup / r/g 1968 [Complete]
• SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]
• Reload Laptop RSS1, RSS2 / r/g 1009 [Complete]
• Reaction Self Test [Complete]
• KHROMATOMASS. Saliva and Blood Collection / r/g 1968 [Complete]
• Reboot Laptop RS2(1) [Complete]
• CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 1954 [Complete]
• ROBONAUT – Equipment Exchange [Complete]
• ENERGY Diet Log of Breakfast [Complete]
• Position the MPC camcorder to provide an overall view of Ku Comm Unit Installation activities [Complete]
• HRCS Video Cable Connection [Complete]
• MATRYOSHKA-R. r/g 1961 [Complete]
• Reading БАОК ГАНК-4М Data СКДС, [Complete]
• CHROMATOMASS SPEKTR M. Photography of the Experiment Ops / r/g 1968 [Complete]
• KHROMATOMASS. Closeout Ops / r/g 1968 [Complete]
• JEM Radiator Grill Cleaning [Complete]
• Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation [Complete]
• ТК 708 Transfers and IMS Ops / r/g 1913 [Complete]
• Connecting DC1 KURS P Antenna Feeder to SM К2-ВКА Container – Handover / r/g 1956
• DOS3D – Setup [Complete]
• Closing USOS Window Shutters [Complete]
• MOST – Closeout Ops [Complete]
• HRCS Video Cable Connection
• Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation [Complete]
• Urine Transfer from 1st EDV-U (USOS) to ТКГ 417 БВ1 Tank r/g 1970 [Complete]
• БВС Laptop commands to activate СТТС modes [Aborted]
• ISS O2 5 mm Hg Repress from ТКГ 418 2nd section of СрПК (start) [Complete]
• ISS – HAM Radio Session [Complete]
• ENERGY – Urine Sample Collection [Complete]
• ENERGY – Water Sample Collection [Complete]
• ISS O2 5 mm Hg Repress from ТКГ 418 2nd section of СрПК (terminate) [Complete]
• Prep for installation and connection of КЛ-108/109Ц unit in SM. r/g 1974 [Complete]
• ISS Emergency Hardware Familiarization OBT. Tagup with specialists (S-band) [Complete]
• Installation and Connection of КЛ-108/109Ц unit in SM. r/g 1974
• ENERGY Diet Log of Lunch [Complete]
• NANORACK – Familiarization [Complete]
• On MCC Go Installation and Connection of КЛ-108/109Ц Unit in SM r/g 1974
• NANORACK – Module Reconfiguration [Complete]
• Installation and Connection of КЛ-108/109Ц unit in SM. Tagup with specialists (S-band) / r/g 1974
• В3 Fan Screen Cleaning in DC1 [Complete]
• Conference to Familiarize with Location of ISS Emergency Equipment [Complete]
• Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation [Complete]
• WHC Fill [Complete]
• VZAIMODEISTVIYE Experiment Ops / r/g 1855 [Complete]
• NANORACK – Power Up [Complete]
• СОЖ Maintenance [Complete]
• Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operations [Complete]
• Deactivation of ТК 708 Gas Analyzer [Complete]
• IMS Update [Deferred]
• HRCS Application Checkout (IP-telephony, NetMeeting and CSL) [Complete]
• ТК 704A Gas Analyzer Deactivation
• Reconfigure Regul-Packet to Use Regul-OS Set 1
• CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 1954
• ENERGY Diet Log of Dinner [Complete]
• On MCC Go Filling up СрПК Section 2 ТГК 417 with N2
• Reaction Self Test

Task List
• CEO ops [GMT 093 Complete]
• CEO ops – GMT 094
• CEO ops – GMT 095
• SSC data gather (FE-6)
• SSC data gather (CDR) [Complete]
• Roscosmos report
• Uragan Photo
• EKON Photo
• UPA T/S Pt 1 [Complete]
• WHC KTO Replace
• CTB 1260 cleanup
• ISS ext survey – MRM [Complete]
• Crew handover
• JLP US Rack Labels [In Work]
• P/TV contacts clean
• WHC SWR R&R [Complete]

• Nominal Commanding
• Ku-Comm Installation Commanding [In Work]

Three-Day Look Ahead:
Thursday, 4/04: HMS Ultrasound & Tonometry, BASS, 34S unpack, HRCS MPEG encoder checkout, WHC fill, ENERGY-Day 9
Friday, 4/05: 34S unpack, Reaction, BASS, ENERGY-Day 10, HMS Panoptic, Seedling Growth
Saturday, 4/06: Crew day off

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”)
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”)
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA)
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA)

SpaceRef staff editor.