Status Report

NASA ISS Commander Scott Kelly’s Statement on Saturday’s Tragic Shooting

By SpaceRef Editor
January 9, 2011
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NASA ISS Commander Scott Kelly’s Statement on Saturday’s Tragic Shooting

International Space Station Commander Scott Kelly and crew are well informed concerning Saturday’s tragic shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who is married to his brother, Astronaut Mark Kelly. The crew has access to the internet as well as a special phone link that is used to frequently contact family and friends. Scott Kelly and crew plan to continue their work aboard the station as planned, with a busy weekly schedule ahead. Early on Sunday, Scott Kelly sent the following message to the ground via Twitter and Facebook:

“I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers, words of condolences and encouragement for the victims and their families of this horrific event. My sister-in-law, Gabrielle Giffords is a kind, compassionate, brilliant woman, loved by friends and political adversaries alike- a true patriot. What is going on in our country that such a good person can be the subject of such senseless violence? It’s a sad day.”

To follow Scott Kelly on twitter, visit:

SpaceRef staff editor.