Status Report

NASA Internal Presentation: CxMPR, Orion Project Office, 2 July 2008

By SpaceRef Editor
July 16, 2008
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NASA Internal Presentation: CxMPR, Orion Project Office, 2 July 2008

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FY08 Cost Issue

  • Orion experienced a large cost overrun in FY08 (~$80M), primarily due to Lockheed/Orbital issue with their Attitude Control Motor vendor performance issues.
  • Additionally Orion was directed to protect for a FY09 Continuing Resolution and maintain 1 month of funding for next FY.
  • Conducted EOY reviews with LM to define options to slow 08 spending based on an adjusted flight test schedule which were followed up formally by a detailed plan to meet the NASA cost target
    – 7 pages of detailed content for subs and the prime
    – Protected PDR and PA-1 but deferring other content including procurements
    – Significantly reduced travel, loaned labor, overtime
  • Non-prime targets were also defined and reviews held to review content reductions for FY08
    – Protected FTE and minimize loss of contract labor
    – Initiated procurements and test delays, and stop work on non-critical activities
  • As of June 23, Orion now has a plan to get out of FY 08, and May actuals reflect this plan.

FY09 & FY10

  • PMR08 R1 guidance significantly impacted Orion
    – Loss of ~$200M buying power in order to protect 4 weeks (per year) of funding required to transition across fiscal years, partial funding of IRMA Threats, and direction that project must create reserves to cover the QRA (remaining and future threats).
    – This is compounded by the work moving out of FY08 ($80M) to accommodate the EOY issues, and potential loss of buying power due to the risk of losing the LM loan.
  • Marks have been issued to the Prime and non-prime organizations along with a notional schedule
    – Held at guideline for FY09 and FY10
    – Asked for an assessment of what would be required for FY11 and subs to meet the revised manifest
  • Due to the aggressive schedule, the project has developed the following approach for PMR Rev1
    – Inputs from Prime and Non-Prime will focus primarily on FY09/10
    – FY11 and subs will be based on models and assessment tools
    – Post PMR Rev1, we will perform a project sync-up to develop the detailed schedule, costs, and confidence level from the bottoms up. Plan will be established by the end of July

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SpaceRef staff editor.