Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: ROSES 2005 NASA Research Announcement Amendment:Postponement of Sun-Solar System Connection Guest Investigators Program

By SpaceRef Editor
April 22, 2005
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Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 16:58:31 -0400
Subject: The next senior review: Nov 15, 2005
From: Charles Holmes
To: [long list of PI’s and prject scientists, surpressed]

Dear Colleagues,

We are planning on holding the next Senior Review for the Sun-Solar System Connection operating missions during the week of Nov 14, 2005. We are still working on details, but proposals would be due during the first week of October. I will send a more detailed message to you on May 5 and a draft call for proposals on May 12.

Below is an announcement that we sent the SPA and SPD newsletters today. It notifies our community about the postponement of the GIP in ROSES 2005 but also announces the senior review.

Have a nice weekend,



Announcement to the AGU/SPA and AAS/SPD newsletters

Richard Fisher
Deputy Director, Earth-Sun System Division
Science Mission Directorate, NASA

On or about April 25, NASA will amend the ROSES 2005 NASA Research Announcement to postpone the solicitation of proposals in the Sun-Solar System Connection Guest Investigators program until after a senior review that will be held in fall 2005. No new proposal due date is being announced at this time. Any new proposal due date will be announced at least 90 days in advance either as an amendment to ROSES 2005 or as a new announcement in ROSES 2006.

At the present time, 13 space missions focusing on solar and space physics are funded from NASA’s Earth-Sun Research Program. These missions are in the extended phase of their operations, having completed their prime missions. The President’s FY06 Budget proposes reduced funding for this mission set. Based on the prioritization derived from the 2003 Senior Review, the reduced funding level in FY06 would have necessitated a reconsideration of continued operations for some of the following missions: FAST, GEOTAIL, POLAR, TRACE, ULYSSES, VOYAGER and WIND.

This year the NASA Strategic Roadmap Committee for the Sun-Solar System Connection is identifying strategic considerations in support of NASA’s science and exploration objectives. These will most likely lead to new prioritizations for the operating missions. Recently, the Science Mission Directorate has received advice from the Space Science Advisory Committee that in light of these new strategic priorities another senior review is warranted to identify the operating mission set that best addresses NASA’s strategic objectives.

The current plan is to complete the strategic roadmap integration activity this summer before making any final decisions about the operating missions. In the fall, NASA will conduct another senior review in which the operating missions will be reviewed against the priorities forthcoming from the strategic roadmap process.

The solicitation of proposals for two research programs that involve data analysis from these operating missions will be delayed until after the 2005 Senior Review. Delaying these solicitations frees up funding that is necessary to continue operating the mission set until the senior review process has been completed. On March 31, NASA amended ROSES 2005 to postpone the solicitation of proposals in the Virtual Observatories for Solar and Space Physics Data program.

SpaceRef staff editor.