NASA Internal Memo: One NASA Web Portal
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Washington DC 20546-0001
July 1 2004
Reply to the Attn of V
TO: Distribution
FROM: P/Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs
V/Chief Information Officer
SUBEJCT: One NASA Web Portal
Transforming NASA into an organization that can carry out the new Vision for Space Exploration means re-examining and improving every aspect of what we do. Implementing the vision requires us to communicate it to a broad audience. Dramatic and engaging, the One NASA Web Portal offers the broadest, most comprehensive view of our work, communicating directly with general audiences, i.e., the public, students, educators, and kids.
The portal and the domain are well–established, and have attracted over 92 million users since January 2003. The portal’s success has been recognized externally with a Webby Award in 2003 and the Pioneer Award from the Government Solutions Center this year. In addition, the Performance Institute has named it one of the 10 Best Managed Web Sites in the Federal Government. More importantly, customer satisfaction ratings for the portal have reached new highs.
NASA’s Office of the Chief Information Officer, and the Office for Public Affairs, have been directed by the Administrator to bring all public Web content and sites into the portal infrastructure and operate them through the portal’s editorial process.
All NASA officials who publish, maintain, or fund such Web content are to work with the portal management team to migrate their content into the portal. NASA offices planning to develop new public content should plan to do so within the portal infrastructure.
We are directing Dr. Nitin Naik, Associate Chief Technology Officer for the Office of the CIO (202/358-1519,, Brian Dunbar, Internet Services Manager for the Office of Public Affairs (202/358-0873,, to develop a plan for the migration and work this project with your staffs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact them for further details.
Thank you for your help and attention to this matter.
Patricia L. Dunnington
Chief Information Officer
Glenn Mahone
Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs