NASA Internal Memo: Notice for NASA Civil Service Employees: NASA Surveys in 2007
Date: Friday, August 10, 2007
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Centerwide Announcement
Subject: Notice for NASA Civil Service Employees – NASA Surveys in 2007
Notice for NASA Civil Service Employees: NASA Surveys in 2007
NASA, like many private sector organizations, uses work force surveys to help measure how well it is managing employees and the work environment to carry out the agency’s mission. This September, the agency is planning to administer three such surveys to its civil service work force, each covering specific topics and each targeted to a different population of the work force.
Everyone will be invited to participate in a NASA Culture Survey, and almost 2000 employees will receive one of two additional surveys being administered by the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) across all federal agencies. You are encouraged to participate, but as always, these surveys are voluntary and your responses will be kept anonymous and reported as summary findings.
All three surveys will be released during the first week of September to include:
– The 2007 NASA Culture Survey to all employees to help an agency team assess specific areas of management credibility, upward communication and organizational support.
– A Merit Principles Survey to about 1,750 randomly selected employees to assess the soundness of the federal merit system and human capital practices. This survey also includes the 40 specific survey items required by law and regulation for NASA to meet its annual human capital survey requirements.
– A Career Advancement Survey to about 250 randomly selected employees to examine how federal employees move through their government careers, and what factors may help or hinder their career advancement.
All employees will receive an e-mail invitation from NASA with instructions on how to participate in the culture survey, and selected employees will receive an e-mail invitation from MSPB regarding their two surveys.
I urge you to take the time to respond to these surveys. Your feedback will be used by NASA and MSPB to inform senior leaders of areas of excellence and areas for improvement. When the findings from all these surveys are analyzed and posted, you will receive an e-mail directing you to the appropriate Web site.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Toni Dawsey
Assistant Administrator for Human Capital Management
For further information, contact: NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) Contact Center, 1-877-NSSC123 (1-877-677-2123) or nssc-