Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: New Communication Material Review Process

By SpaceRef Editor
March 28, 2005
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NASA Internal Memo: New Communication Material Review Process

Date: Mar 2005
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Centerwide Announcement
Subject: New Communication Material Review Process

TO: Resident Staff

Subject: New Communication Material Review Process

NASA is working to coordinate the overall messages and strategies that are used to communicate internally and externally. One part of this strategy is to simplify the communications efforts in a structured and coordinated manner. To accomplish this, NASA headquarters has recently implemented an online system to gather, approve, and archive communication materials across the agency.

Everyone who creates material intended for communicating key messages or strategy for NASA, including education and outreach materials, should plan to participate in the new process. The web-based process is relatively simple to use and is available to anyone with access to the NASA network. As with any review process, sufficient time should be allowed to incorporate the process into your development schedule.

To learn more about the NASA Communication Review System, including information on what products should be submitted, how and when to submit a product, what key messages should be included, and what visual standards are to be used, please log into This site is also where you can find information on what criteria are used to evaluate a product, and establish an account to upload materials, as well as view materials already approved and archived in the system.

It is understood that this is a new process that will be a period of adjustment.

SpaceRef staff editor.