Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: Michael Cabbage Joins NASA HQ Public Affairs

By SpaceRef Editor
May 10, 2007
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Editor’s note: Mike Cabbage is an outstanding reporter and a sterling individual whose credibility is beyond reproach. Dave Mould is to be commended for making this appointment.

To: NASA Public Affairs staff
From: David Mould, assistant administrator
Re: Staff / organizational announcement.
Date: May 10, 2007

I am pleased to announce that veteran correspondent Michael Cabbage is joining the Public Affairs senior management team at NASA Headquarters.  Mike comes to NASA after many years as space editor for the Orlando Sentinel.  He also has served as a TV commentator on the space program and is an author of the book Comm Check, which has been called one of the best accounts of the Columbia accident.

Mike will assume the newly restructured position of Director of News Services / Managing Editor, responsible for multimedia operations as well as operations of the press office, reporting to the AA/Press Secretary (David Mould) and the Deputy AA (Bob Jacobs).

Mike will be on board at the end of this month, in time for the upcoming launch.

In addition to Mike’s appointment, Bob Jacobs, who has been serving as Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator, will assume that position on a permanent basis as of next week.  Also, we are changing the name of the Public Outreach Division to the Public Services and Protocol Division, to better reflect its responsibilities and role in the agency.

Please join me in welcoming Mike Cabbage and in congratulating Bob, and thanks for your support of our Public Affairs management team as we move forward.

SpaceRef staff editor.