Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: Message to NASA’s Senior Staff from Glenn Mahone

By SpaceRef Editor
April 19, 2005
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Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:44 AM
Subject: Message to NASA’s Senior Staff from Glenn Mahone

Dear Fellow Associate and Assistant Administrators:

I’d like to take this opportunity to express my profound appreciation to all of you for your great support and friendship these past six years. Through one the most eventful periods in NASA’s history we’ve worked hard as a team to advance the Agency’s exploration agenda on behalf of the American people. I think all of us are stronger for the storms we’ve weathered, and personally enriched from the first row seat we’ve had for NASA’s great missions of exploration and discovery. As NASA prepares to return the Space Shuttle safely to flight and continues to advance the ambitious goals of the Vision for Space Exploration, I leave proud of what our Public Affairs team has been able to accomplish on behalf of the agency and confident that the space program’s brightest days still lie ahead.

In my resignation letter to Administrator Griffin, I expressed the view that I’ve been privileged to serve and work with some of the most talented, visionary and dedicated men and women in public service. I have indeed been blessed and honored to work alongside such a wonderful cadre of professionals.

I wish all of you the best in your future endeavors and look forward to cheering on the NASA team from the sidelines in the days and months ahead.


Glenn Mahone

SpaceRef staff editor.