Status Report

NASA Internal memo: Message to Headquarters Employees Regarding WikiLeaks and Government Requirements on Handling Classified Information

By SpaceRef Editor
December 3, 2010
Filed under ,

Date: December 3, 2010 1:41:35 PM EST
To: HQ-DL-All Users
Subject: Message to Headquarters Employees Regarding WikiLeaks and Government Requirements on Handling Classified Information

Point of Contact: Paul Raudenbush, Chief, Headquarters Security Office, 202-358-7322

Message to Headquarters Employees Regarding WikiLeaks and Government Requirements on Handling Classified Information

This is a reminder for all employees that classified information, even if posted in the public domain, remains classified and should not be accessed, downloaded, copied, or retransmitted utilizing Government IT resources or equipment. Although information posted to WikiLeaks is in the public domain, the information remains classified. The NASA Headquarters Information Technology and Communications Division (ITCD) has initiated temporary blocks to the WikiLeaks sites. The purpose of the block is to protect NASA’s administration network from inadvertently storing spilled “classified” data.

Data posted to the WikiLeaks site may not be marked classified, however, the originating agency may have designated it classified. If you have accessed the WikiLeaks website utilizing Government IT resources or equipment, it may be necessary to properly clear this information from your computer to ensure agency compliance with all relevant laws governing classified data. If you think you may need your computer scanned, please contact Gregg Kerr at 202-358-2218 to initiate a proper cleanup of your IT resources or equipment.

In an Agency Memorandum from the Office of Protective Services dated Dec. 3, 2010, agencies are required to safeguard classified information pursuant to relevant laws, including but not limited to Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information (Dec. 20, 2009) and its implementing directive 32 C.F.R Part 2001 (June 25, 2010). All NASA Headquarters personnel should review:

* NPR 1600.1, NASA Security Program Procedural Requirements w/Change (04/01/2009)
* NPR 2810.1A, NASA Information Security Policy
* Basic IT Security for 2010 (SATERN)
* NASA Headquarters Security Awareness Training 2010 (SATERN)

We appreciate your assistance ensuring NASA Headquarters is in full compliance with all laws and regulations regarding the handling of classified information.

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SpaceRef staff editor.