Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: Message From the Deputy Administrator – IEMP SVU and CMM Projects

By SpaceRef Editor
October 22, 2006
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NASA Internal Memo: Message From the Deputy Administrator – IEMP SVU and CMM Projects

Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Centerwide Announcement Subject: Message From the Deputy Administrator — IEMP SVU and CMM Projects.

Message From the Deputy Administrator
Point of Contact: Adrienne Ross, Integrated Enterprise Management Program
Office, (202) 358-0646,

IEMP SVU and CMM Projects

The Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP) has two major projects, which will become operational on Nov. 13, 2006. The SAP Version Upgrade (SVU) project is implementing a version update to NASA’s financial system. In addition to providing a more modern technical architecture, the update will provide improvements to NASA’s financial management data tracking, reporting and integrity, as well as streamline the agency’s funds distribution, year-end processing and overall funds control. The Contract Management Module (CMM) project is implementing a new commercial application, which streamlines and provides efficiencies to the procurement process, including contract writing, management and reporting.

NASA’s financial and procurement communities will be affected by the SAP update and the new contracting application. For many users, the changes will be minimal. Those who support contracting, budget distribution, cost management and accounts receivable, however, can expect to experience the most changes.

To prepare for the upcoming changes, financial and procurement users should:

– Plan to attend awareness and training events scheduled at your respective centers. Training courses will be available in SATERN, NASA’s new learning management application. Check your center’s course listings for availability or contact your IEMP point of contact for more details.

– Visit the IEMP portal, i-View, located at, for SVU and CMM news updates, training details, contacts and other information. Contact your center’s help desk to obtain an account and password to i-View if you currently do not have access.

– Prepare for NASA’s transition to FY 2007. There is system downtime at the beginning of every new fiscal year that results in deadlines and workarounds for making transactions, payments and other processes. This year, the financial system will be shut down for a longer period of time due to the system update. Please stay aware of communications related to this downtime and become familiar with processes and procedures provided by your CFO and procurement offices.

– Reach out to co-workers and help them understand the changes that will be occurring. Share your knowledge, and tell them where to find more information.

The SVU and CMM projects are critical elements of NASA’s journey to modernize and improve its business environment. Your cooperation, assistance and support are paramount to the success of these efforts.

Shana Dale
Deputy Administrator

SpaceRef staff editor.