Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: IAM Update

By SpaceRef Editor
April 21, 2005
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From: Sutton, Jeffrey E. (HQ-LD000) []
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 3:28 PM
Subject: IAM Update

Several months ago, I appealed to each of you to stay on course with the huge undertaking of the Integrated Asset Management (IAM) Project.  I asked for you to encourage your Center to support the work of the IAM Project Team during blueprinting as well as their future work during implementation.  I also clarified that the initial IAM Core Process Team commitment was for a minimum of 12 months, with additional on-site requirements for subsequent functionality releases. 

We recognize the resource burden many of you are facing resulting from transformation activities; however, keep in mind that IAM, as a major component of the Integrated Financial Management Program (IFMP), is a key Agency transformational tool.  When implemented, it will enable the mission and support directorates to achieve the Agency’s exploration vision.  It will support all Agency information and decision-making needs by providing total visibility and accessibility of NASA’s physical assets.  We have also demonstrated recently, in conjunction with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, how critical IAM is to achieving and sustaining a clean financial audit opinion. 

We recognize that, while Headquarters continues to assess the budget and scope of IAM, some of you have been compelled to react independently of an Agency budget decision.  I can assure you that an Agency position is forthcoming; unfortunately, I cannot predict when that position will be announced.  Given the sizable costs and the significant strategic impact of IAM, the decision will likely not get made until after the new Administrator is on board. Meanwhile, to protect the prerogatives of the new Administrator, we should not assume or act as if a decision has been made one way or the other.

While we actively pursue funding for IAM, at both the project and Center levels, it is imperative that we continue to move forward under the current IAM Core Team and Extended Team schedules to ensure continuity of the realization phase.  Moving forward under the current schedule requires that we leave the team on the ground in Huntsville to finish the realization plans for IAM Release 1 (Materials Inventory), plan for the IAM Non-Advocate Review, and assist with the Business Case update. 

Now, more than ever, we must keep IAM as a top priority at the Centers, and ensure that our senior leadership understands the trade-offs related to implementing IAM versus running the current systems to failure.  If you are not involved in your Center’s decisions regarding resources on this project, you should intervene now.  Remember that some of our asset management systems are over 20 years old, and that over 200 individual systems are used to provide the functionality lacking in our Agencywide systems.  This is why we need the Centers actively engaged in the IAM Core and Extended teams.

The next phase of this project, beginning in May, requires a firm commitment of resources by the Centers.  We will not be successful if we cannot dedicate our people to the job at hand. If you have any issues or concerns about your Center’s membership on the Core or Extended Team, please call me at 202-358-2800 to discuss your situation.  If I am not available, please call my Deputy, Olga Dominguez at 202-358-1093.

SpaceRef staff editor.