Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: ESMD resources Weekly: September 25-29, 2006

By SpaceRef Editor
November 3, 2006
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NASA Internal Memo: ESMD resources Weekly: September 25-29, 2006

Quite a weekend of Fiscal year mania, pressure to obligate late arriving FY05 funds, pressure to bring down agency FY06 unobligated balance, OMB hearing preparation and Doc’s first hearing on the Hill!

Also Latonya started a year detail at MSFC working with LPR Program. We will miss her here but luckily for us she will be of great benefit down at MSFC. In her absence, Ron Ray will be picking up LPRP duties, Kevin Ortegel will be watching over ECANS and Rhett Herrera will be picking up Prometheus.

Attachment: Quad chart.

FY06/07 Execution

Our proposed anomaly for the FY 2007 Continuing Resolution (CR) with regard to ISS Cargo/Crew Services/Russian Flight Services has been included in the CR. This will enable Russian Flight Service payments to be made in the budget structure proposed in the President’s FY 2007 request, i.e. within the ESMD program.

The first CR is scheduled to run through November 17, 2006. A follow-on CR is expected to be enacted at that time, probably into December 2006.

I can breathe easier. Thanks to the efforts of a small army of folks in OCFO, SMD, ESMD, KSC, GSFC and MSFC, the FY05 settlement funds are being obligated today. Craig Tupper in SMD owes Doug Comstock a lunch as he had thought the feat was not possible considering we only sent an Op plan to Congress to get this done 18 days ago and got approval from Congress to do this on Tuesday night. Doug Comstock especially deserves everyone’s thanks for his efforts as does Craig Tupper, Kate Wolf and her SMD integration team.

FY07 Advocacy

Doc had his first hearing yesterday. We have a few actions but it was well received. It’s one of the toughest jobs in Washington to sit in the line of fire like that. Ex Comptroller Mal Peterson aptly called it Kabuki theater. Some basics to keep in mind:

  • Prepare
  • Good news is a must, bad news is bad, worst news is the unexpected
  • Work with your legislative affairs people – they help you get a feel for the mood
  • All major issues revolve around money. The budget drives the debate.
  • Some questions may be insulting or just seem out of left field. Be nice.
  • Your goal has to be a boring hearing. No surprises. Committee staff may want an exciting one where the committee member could benefit. You may just want to get out alive.
  • Show no weakness. They may want to take advantage.
  • Hearing is not being held to discuss dollars or FTE. Has other goals.
  • It’s not about the witness. It is about the member. Wants to share knowledge and ask probing questions.
  • Keep on top of GAO and internal IG reports.
  • Look closely at all members. Know the questioner. They have local interests.
  • Stay calm. Be prepared to answer some questions repeatedly. You know much more than they do about the details and what seems to be second nature to you is not to them.
  • Rarely should you turn around and ask if someone behind you has anything to add. Most effective reply is a direct answer or say you’ll get back.
  • What if the witness does not agree with the budget his President has submitted? Say it is adequate over and over with a smile.

FY08 Formulation

Next week will be focused on OMB hearing. Draft OMB presentation is out for comment with HQ divisions and program offices. Also sent copy to our PA&E analysts.

Received advance questions from OMB examiner and these are in work with RMO team and PEs.

October 3: brief Doc
October 5: Attend SOMD OMB hearing and present ISS Crew Cargo story
October 6: ESMD hearing

FY09 Planning

Nancy and I met with our SOMD counterparts, Dave Radzanowski and Toni Mumford to walk through some preliminary thoughts about where we will need to go in FY09 budget formulation. We will work our thoughts through our respective organizations and present the ideas to next JICB late October. I will introduce some thinking on this at the ESMD QSR.

Next week/future activities

The HRP Resources Summit will be held at JSC on October 11-12, 2006. Annette attending.

Quarterly at GRC 17th and 18th. I will be meeting with GRC resources community on the 16th.

JICB: October 27

Andrew Hunter
Director, Resources Management Office
Exploration Systems Mission Directorate

SpaceRef staff editor.