Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: Director of the SMD Heliophysics Division

By SpaceRef Editor
September 30, 2011
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NASA Internal Memo: Director of the SMD Heliophysics Division

FYI – To my most valued colleagues and friends,

The Office of Personnel Management and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency have completed the process of selection for the position of Director, Heliophyiscs Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters. The newly selected director is Dr. Barbara Giles. I am taking this opportunity to inform you of this action prior to more formal announcements by the Directorate and the Agency.

I know that you will lend your support, wisdom and experience to the new Director in the tireless and selfless manner that has enabled our national community across the endless frontier of research in space sciences. Your efforts built the program that not only sets a world standard but also leads in the discovery and communication of new scientific knowledge in our field. This is an achievement that, I believe, while timeless, is only a beginning. I can hardly wait to see the unfolding results of your future projects and programs.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sustained focus on our strategic program and its many new results. It has been an incredible journey for me; a once-in-a-lifetime privilege to work with you during my time at NASA HQ. Your wealth of combined talent, desire for excellence, and concern for the integrity of our enterprise will shine in my memory; I shall never forget the times we have shared.

With sincere appreciation,

Dick Fisher

SpaceRef staff editor.