NASA Internal Memo: Constellation Program Weekly Update 16 April 2006
Download 5.9 PM Powerpoint presentation
From: Hanley, Jeffrey M. (JSC-ZA)
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:19 PM
Subject: 4/15 Cx Weekly Update
ICPR – the RIDs and comments have rolled in, and the response from the community has been tremendous – thanks in advance. Last report I had was that we were approaching 5000 RIDs, WOW! We’ve also had general feedback (which is good) that the products were very rough, perhaps too rough for formal review… that may be true, but we had to start somewhere. Hopefully its becoming broadly apparent how much work is ahead to get ready for SRR in September, and if it IS apparent then the ICPR is done EXACTLY what we needed it to do.
A little perspective – and I apologize for repeating myself for those who have heard my little analogy before – on what we’re attempting to do here. Imagine the Cx program is a ‘house’ we’ve set about building together, with the various rooms of the house representative of the separate elements of the architecture. Unfortunately, we don’t have the funds to build the ENTIRE house all at once, instead we can only afford to build it a room or two at a time. Ok. But to be capable of building those first couple of rooms of the house, we must understand the entire ‘blueprint’, and how those rooms fit into the larger scheme. We must describe it sufficiently to pour the foundation, and to “frame” the house to the greatest extent possible. Doesn’t mean we can’t add a room in the future, but it will be more expensive.
With the ICPR, we’re ‘pouring the foundation’… and with SRR we’ll ‘frame the house’. Then we’ll set off designing each ‘room’, making sure they remain compatible with the overall framework.
Emerging SE&I Work Plan – this from Chris to his team last week, bears repeating…
The enclosure [see attached] is a final deck of informational charts that was pulled together by the SE&I leadership with help from T&V intended to describe the CxPO SE&I people, products and processes (3Ps) that form the basis of who we are, what we produce and how we will go about it. The file is in the process of being posted to our newly and completely revamped SE&I Windchill location (link to be provided by Jason Weeks in follow-on email), where it will be maintained/matured as appropriate. This is simply one of many facilitating communication mechanisms we are to use to help describe and understand the SE&I path forward as we standup a virtual distributed nation-wide team that is results-focused. I intend of highlighting some of this material at our 3rd monthly SE&I Nation-wide All Hands next Wednesday at 1000 CST. Please take the time as leadership to familiarize yourself with the contents so you can help address comments/questions that may arise within your teams as we transition out of PowerPoint mode immerse ourselves in SE&I execution (to our integrated 3K line item schedule … not execution of the people … just to clarify!).
Also note, as discussed at the SE&I Staff yesterday, that Windchill as it relates to SE&I has now been completely re-organized to a folder approach that mirrors our Organizational Structure and deals with the 3Ps within each Direct Report area (PTI, RMO, IMO, ATA, IM&S, SEP, noting that working groups specific to each of these are also organized here – ex., RMO & RWG; IMO & ICWG; ATA and AWG) and within each SIG. We also have a folder hierarchy for Matt Leonard’s “Program Integration Reviews” that has the ICPR, SRR and Pre-NAR Program Event data essentials. Please help provide leadership emphasis on the importance of now transitioning to the full use of ICE/Windchill for collaboratively doing our business. I know the “access lists” to all these folders will have some problems as we fully go this route (getting out of email file sharing), but we can over come this within the coming weeks – send required updates to Jason Weeks.
Finally, we have also completed the first development of standard distributions for our SE&I Teams and for all operating SE&I sponsored Working Groups/Boards. To access these go to Global and type JSC-DL-CxSE&I and they all will show up. Changes to these relative to the names or other unique DLs that must be developed – please forward to Tina Cobb, my secretary.
Thanks – and let’s keep the line of structure/constructive communication open.
More on SE&I – Chris also passed this along…
Came across this PowerPoint summary [see “AirForce SE.ppt” attached] of what DoD found when they looked hard at themselves in the area of SE&I in late 2002. This resulted in a significant change/emphasis in how they do business today…I can speak to this having lived through essentially the biggest DoD DDT&E Project going – FCS – from Nov 2002 to Dec 2005. Anyways we face a lot of the same challenges and we, via the thing we are trying to setup and execute, are trying to tackle some of these. Thought you might find this data interesting. CH
Latest WBS – Barry sends this along…
To find the latest WBS, go on Windchill, then “Projects,” then “CxPO PP&C”, then “CxP WBS status.” It will open up to the top level WBS. You can then drill down to the level you want by clicking on the + column on the far left side. That allows you to save whatever level you want for print out.
Have a great week! RID processing has commenced in earnest, good luck to the SE&I team in burning down the great response to our call for comment on the nascent program documentation.
Jeff Hanley
Manager, Constellation Program