NASA Internal Memo: Badge Holder Safety

From: Forsythe, Jack L. (HQ-LG000)
Sent: Thu 8/21/2008 12:38 PM
To: [Senior NASA Management]
Subject: Badge Holder Safety
Recently there has been a safety concern with the new badge holder from Identity Stronghold that is being issued to ensure compliance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12). A badge holder safety notice was released at Kennedy Space Center on August 15, 2008 (see attachment). The current issue with the badge holder is the possibility of the badge holder becoming a Foreign Object Damage (FOD) hazard to flight hardware, or a projectile hazard under certain circumstances.
As a precautionary measure, I am directing a temporary hold on issuing the badge holder from Identity Stronghold until such time additional evaluations are conducted and all issues surrounding the FOD and hazard issues with the badge holder have been resolved. Centers may revert back, on a temporary basis, to using the original clear plastic badge holder to allow for continued issuance of Center access badges.
The Office of Security and Program and Protection is working with key personnel in addressing security compliance requirements, operational needs, training, deficiencies, and safety issues in order to mitigate all concerns. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Jack L. Forsythe
Interim AA Office of Security and Program Protection
300 E Street SW
Washington, DC 20546