Status Report

NASA Internal Memo: Administrator Appoints Rex Geveden as Acting Associate Administrator

By SpaceRef Editor
June 23, 2005
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National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Office of the Administrator

Washington DC 20546-0001

June 22, 2005

TO: Officials-in-charge of Headquarters Offices
Directors, NASA Centers

FROM: Administrator

SUBJECT: Key Personnel Announcement

Upon my arrival at NASA, I announced my intention to make a number of organizational changes including the creation of a new Associate Administrator (AA) position to be competed as a career Senior Executive Service position at the appropriate time. The AA functions as a Chief Operating Officer and will be responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the Agency.

As we manage the transition to the governance model that I have discussed with the senior leadership and that is described in the draft Strategic Management Handbook that is currently under final review, it is critically important to maintain momentum and continuity in key areas such as the development of the budget and execution of our strategies, To that end, effective immediately, I am naming Mr. Rex Geveden as the Acting Associate Administrator. Rex will maintain his position as the Chief Engineer but will concentrate his efforts in the near term on Agency priorities from the AA position in the Office of the Administrator.

I request your cooperation and suport of Rex as he takes up these additional responsibilities.


Michael D. Griffin

SpaceRef staff editor.